Sign Here to Stop the UN from Blocking Pro-Life Groups

The UN has rejected pro-life groups from presenting at the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Now there is a call to kick pro-life groups out of the UN altogether. 

Pro-lifers have blocked a global right to abortion. Pro-lifers have blocked homosexual marriage at the UN. Pro-lifers have blocked a redefinition of the family at the UN.

Now the UN is striking back.

Pro-life groups that applied to present at the vitally important UN Commission on the Status of Women have been rejected.

In a recent meeting on how the work of the Commission will proceed, powerful groups called for pro-life groups to be kicked out of the UN altogether.

You can help C-Fam and the pro-life coalition by signing the petition that we will present to the UN Secretary General and to the head of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Time is running out. The Commission starts in March. This is urgent. Sign the petition and get all your family and friends to sign it!


Sign the Petition

10130 Supporters

Goal: 10,000

We the undersigned from all over the world demand that pro-life groups be allowed to participate in the Commission on the Status of Women starting in March.

We demand that the Secretary General intervene with CSW/NGO and insist that ALL VOICES ARE HEARD.



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