Article in The New Atlantis

By Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. | August 25, 2016

20160815_TNA49Cover240wFor our readers who are already subscribers to The New Atlantis, keep an eye out for my essay in their spring-summer issue in which I discuss the so-called “unmet need” for family planning in the developing world.

The reason this matters is that the groups promoting family planning, often with support from the U.S. and other governments, are almost always the same groups promoting abortion, even if U.S. funding is prohibited from being used directly for that.  Regardless of their stance on contraception as a moral issue, it is important that pro-life advocates be aware of how dubious measurements and definitions are being used to channel support to pro-abortion groups, and for fiscal conservatives to be aware that the loudest arguments in favor of raising foreign aid for family planning are based on false assumptions.

For those who are not yet subscribers to The New Atlantis, the essay will eventually be posted in full on their website, but in the meantime, check out their much-anticipated special issue on sexuality and gender (which can be read in its entirety.)  Then, subscribe to this fascinating and insightful quarterly journal that probes the intersection between technology and society—and brings cooler heads to some of the most heated controversies of our time.