EU: LGBT lobby is worried about “Neo-Conservative Threats to Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights in the EU”

By J.C. von Krempach, J.D. | January 10, 2015

The following has been posted on the AGENDA EUROPE Blog:

Conspiracy theories: gay & abortion lobbies unmask dangerous “neo-conservatives”…

A reader has drawn our attention to a rather scurrilous document that has recently been published by a Croatian gay-rights advocacy group we hadn’t ever heard of before. Despite being written in rather faulty English, the paper entitled “Neo-Conservative Threats to Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights in the EU” provides for most amusing reading. Whilst claiming to unmask the strategies used by “neo-conservative groups, including the Vatican” to “manipulate public and political life through the civil initiative channels, online media, petition platforms and social networking”, it actually provides a good insight into the growing paranoia of the gay & abortion lobbies. It clearly seems that the defeat of the Estrela and Zuber Reports and the massive civil society resistance against the Lunacek Report of the European Parliament, as well as the overwhelming success of the European Citizens’ Initiative ONE OF US has put them on the defensive: they are making the discovery that the silent majority is not (and in fact never was) on their side, and that it does not want to stay silent any longer. This is, obviously, bad news for them.

(Read the rest here…)