Marie Stopes Abortion Peddling Stretches Legal Limits in UK

By C-Fam Staff | May 26, 2010

On Monday, Marie Stopes International launched a television ad in Britain that is causing quite an uproar.  The ad is the first time an abortion provider has advertised on television in the UK, and by law abortion advertisements are illegal.

The ad does not mention abortion at all but states: “If you miss your period, you could be pregnant. If you’re pregnant and don’t know what to do, Marie Stopes International can help.”

The marketing manager of Marie Stopes when asked about the ad stated, “The ad is not about abortion…It’s all about unplanned pregnancy.” One wonders what the abortion friendly folks at MSI are offering, something tells us it is not adoption services.

Coincedentily, the day after the ad aired the Department of Health released its UK abortion figures for the previous year, which showed a slight drop in abortions.

Times may be tough at MSI, perhaps that is why they have decided to stretch the limits of British advertising law.