Mexicans defend the family – and the whole world joins them. #DefendemosLaFamilia
After the recent declarations of the Mexican President, who is pushing for same-sex marriage and for constitutional amendments, more than one thousand Mexican NGOs have reunited: to defend the family.
The newly constituted “National Front for the Family” (FNF) is determined to fight against the homosexual agenda, and all the legislative and regulatory measures that would favor “sexual diversity” and “non-discrimination” in the Mexican states.
FNF declares its clear opposition to same-sex unions, stating that the only family deserving legal recognition is the one formed by a man and a woman, which are open to life and willing to take care of their children. The Front similarly rejects projects of education that would teach children about the existence of “various forms of the family”. It reiterates that there is no such thing as a fundamental right “to be a parent”.
FNF openly counteracts the policies of Enrique Peña Nieto, calling its recent moves “attacks on the rights of children”.
With the support of CitizenGo, and thanks to the joint efforts of several international NGOs that are equally committed to reaffirming that the only family protected by the law is and should remain the one based on the marriage between a man and a woman, the whole world is manifesting with Mexico and supporting the initiatives of FNF.
On June 1st and 2nd, people have gathered in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Spain, Italy, Ecuador, Spain, El Salvador, Guatemala — and in DC! -, in front of Mexican embassies. At the same time, the web is being stormed by tweets that stand with the Mexican families and their children: #DefendemosLaFamilia (Let’s Defend the Family) and #YoDecidoXLaFamilia (I Stand with the Family). In Mexico, more than 30 states have simultaneously stood up in support of the family. They all met in front of the offices of the government party – the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
Indeed, the defense of the family is not a national, but an international issue. The family – and the rights of children – are being undermined at the UN, at the EU, at the OAS. Apparently, though, the answer of (international) people is also well coordinated.
The Mexican protest carries an even bigger weight today. Mexico, in fact, just presented its request to join the UN group for the promotion of LGBT rights. Mexican permanent representative at the UN, José Gomez Camacho declared that the state’s intentions are “to permanently and actively contribute” to the LGBT cause.
The neutral stance of Mexico in this highly controversial issues (same-sex marriage, LGBT discrimination, etc.) seems to be part of its past. Only the people can make it part of its future.
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