The Myth of “Sex Work” Named and Shamed.
Did you know that AIDS groups have used—and continue to use—their (your) money to advocate for prostitution? If you did not, or even if you did, there is a new book you should read.
“The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Work Myth,” written by journalist and feminist campaigner Julie Bindel, confirms and supports the claims abundantly made against the “Sex-Work” movement. “Sex-Work,” i.e., the attempt to transform prostitution into a proper job, is intrinsically harmful to women, treating them as objects that can legally be sold.
In this book, journalist and feminist campaigner Bindel exposes some of the tragic realities behind pro-prostitution advocacy. In particular, she claims the Soros’ and Bill and Melinda Gates’ foundations have fueled, both directly and indirectly, the pro-prostitution lobby since the late 1980s.
“Where Rupert Murdoch controls the media,” Bindel writes, “Bill and Melinda Gates and the OSF [Open Society Foundation] control the prostitution discourse.”
The thread of the story is this: the HIV/AIDS movement, supposed to focus on civil rights and healthcare, has poured billions into “safe sex” programs, directed at prostitutes’ clients. By speaking of “Sex-Work”, HIV/AIDS funds were used to … make brothels great again. The author also says Open Society Foundation, a major donor of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and UNAIDS, is also “the biggest financial backer of the pro-legalization lobby in the world.”
The details Bindel provides are sometimes shocking. Bindel reminds her readers that, while millions of children are now being trafficked and sexually abused, including in the U.S., powerful pro-prostitution NGOs, equally linked to those big names, openly lobbied against the anti-prostitution and trafficking resolutions. In their view, such resolutions are “counterproductive to effective HIV/AIDS prevention programs worldwide.”
Bindel also reminds us that a former co-chair of UNAIDS Advisory group on HIV and Sex Work and Global Working Group on HIV and Sex Work Policy, Alejandra Gil, was arrested for sex-trafficking in 2015, and jailed for fifteen years.
If you did not know this—as I personally didn’t—you should read this.
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