Scotland’s “Named Persons” to Replace Parents

By Wendy Wright | January 13, 2015

Under a new plan, Scotland will assign a state-employed guardian to every child from birth until age 18, who can intervene without parental consent and share information with a wide range of public authorities. Though the plan comes into effect in 2016, it is already being rolled out — and early indications are “named persons” will replace and trump parents’ legal rights.

Among its first appearances is sex education guidelines.

The Christian Institute reports the Scottish sex ed guidance’s section on confidentiality states: “Staff should discuss any concerns they have with the young person and ensure they have access to confidential, young people friendly services, where appropriate.”

“If there is judged to be a risk to the child’s wellbeing, staff should inform the child’s Named Person.” Parents are not mentioned.

“It beggars belief,” said a spokesman with No To Named Persons (NO2NP), “that a teacher with concerns about the wellbeing of a child – including underage sexual activity, which is a serious criminal offense – should be told by the Government to pass on those concerns to the Named Person and not the child’s parents.

“How can a professional with potentially hundreds of kids to keep an eye on be given priority over the people that care about children the most – their own parents?”

“The Government thinks the Named Person is entitled to know confidential, sexual health information about a child that its own parents are not,” added the spokesman.

The overall scheme “encourages suspicion among professionals about the dangers parents represent to their children,” said Colin Hart of the No To Named Persons campaign. The Christian Institute along with parents and other groups have filed a legal action against the plan.

Attorney Aidan O’Neill said it appears to be “predicated on the idea that the proper primary relationship that children will have for their well-being and development, nurturing and education is with the State rather than within their families and with their parents”.

James and Rhianwen McIntoshes were told their child’s medical reports would be given to a “named person.”  The named person is anonymous. Parents have no ability to opt out.

“I love my child better than anyone else and so for the Government to tell me that I needed someone who knew better about my child to see to their wellbeing, that was really quite belittling to me as a parent,” said Mrs. McIntosh.

“The whole fundamental principle of consent seems to have been done away with, swept underneath the carpet,” said Mr. McIntosh. As “parents our role is being undermined,” he said, and “there is an implicit lack of trust that we are the best people to bring our children up.”

Deborah Thomas learned of the Named Person scheme when her son was asked to fill in what he described as a “creepy and weird” survey at school – without her knowledge or consent.

Hat tip to Christian Institute.