Pro-life victory — or will Obama double-speak backdoor funding for abortion overseas?

By | September 3, 2015

Amidst the current Planned Parenthood scandal revealing the horrific acts against unborn children for monetary gain — President Obama could hardly publicly support more US funding for abortion — but will he do it quietly through the backdoor?

This week the Obama administration responded to the human rights concerns raised by the UN Human Rights Council in May. In reviewing the US record European countries made requests that the US change existing law prohibiting the funding of abortion overseas.

Specifically, the UK and the Netherlands asked for the gutting of the Helms amendment to allow abortion for sexual violence, Norway wants abortion funding for a wide list of exceptions under “health” of the mother and Belgium just wants the US to fund all abortion overseas to assure they are “safe”.

Not surprising, the Obama administration response to the Human Rights Council offers no additional clarity on whether an all out ban on funding overseas abortion will be maintained.

The Administration issued a “We do not support” in response to requests to redefine the Helms amendment and fund abortion for a wide interpretation of exceptions.

However the Obama administration’s response to a recommendation made by France that the US “provide aid for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for victims of sexual violence in conflict areas”, should give lawmakers and others concern — especially when this administration includes abortion as an SRH service.

The US replied “We support this recommendation’s principle: addressing the needs of women who have been victims of sexual violence in conflict situations.”

Global abortion groups are also pressuring President Obama for a change in US law. They want access to millions in humanitarian funding they don’t presently have access to. They believe they have found a loophole that would allow President Obama to open the floodgates to US funding claiming the Helms amendment has been “over applied” for the past 40 years.

Months ago C-Fam reported the Obama administration instructed USAID to quietly make the policy change allowing funding for abortion through grants awarded to humanitarian groups. To assure the Obama administration does not circumvent the law pro-life members of Congress must monitor the language in grants to assure this is not being done.

The US should continue to lead in offering holistic comprehensive medical care to women in regions of war and disaster. Lets leave the funding and imposing of abortion overseas to the European countries who are so willing to do it.