Sign here to protest UNICEF’s Pro-Porn Report on Kids

The UN Children’s Fund has issued a report that says sexually explicit material may not harm kids.

What’s more, they report that porn could make children happy.

UNICEF suggests to block porn from children could violate their human rights.

This is dangerous to children!

Hundreds of child safety experts agree. They charge UNICEF with putting the psychological and social development of children worldwide at risk by ignoring “the vast body of research demonstrating the harms of pornography to children.”

Sign the petition to protest UNICEF’s pro-porn agenda for kids.

Because of smartphones, hard core porn is easier and easier to access, and the porn-producers are hungry to entrap more and more customers at earlier and earlier ages.

The last thing children need is a billion-dollar UN agency, created to protect children, telling them that porn is okay.

Help us encourage UNICEF to permanently remove this report.


Read C-Fam’s reporting on UNICEF’s report here and here.

C-Fam is a pro-life and pro-family research institute located in New York and Washington DC that, since 1997, has played a central role in blocking the UN from establishing a global right to abortion and redefining the family. Learn more about C-Fam.


Sign the Petition

25205 Supporters

Goal: 25,000

To: Henrietta Fore, Executive Director, UN Children’s Fund

I am appalled that UNICEF has issued a report that tells children that sexual explicit material can make them happy.

Pornography is deeply harmful to adults and most especially to children whose brains are still forming. Porn can permanently harm children.

I demand UNICEF take down this report and never show it again.


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