WASHINGTON D.C., May 13 (C-Fam) Italy joined the list of countries that provide special protections to same-sex relations this week, through a controversial act of its national legislature.
On the other side of the world, Colombia was added to this list by judicial decree. Colombia’s Constitutional Court declared that individuals in a same-sex relationship have a right to “marriage,” without “discrimination.”
Colombia’s Court relied in part on the false claim by homosexual activists and some international bodies that international law obliges nations to provide individuals in same-sex relationships with the special protections that international law reserves for the family, and that to treat them differently would be a prohibited form of discrimination.
The lone dissenting opinion in the case came from Justice Jorge Ignacio Pretelt Chaljub, who accused the Colombian Supreme Court of being “radical,” of “usurping” the will of millions of Colombian voters, and disseminating “chaos” in the Colombian legal system.
This case follows a similar prior judgment, called Duque vs. Colombia, by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR). The Colombian legislature has ignored a 2006 Supreme Court ruling, also based on the opinions of international bodies, instructing the legislature to make abortion legal in certain circumstances.
The changes in Italy are also the result of unorthodox exercises of authority.
The Italian government rammed through a same-sex union bill on Wednesday, blocking any amendments on the measure on the day the law was voted on. The measure is so controversial that upwards of one million protesters gathered in the famous “Circus Maximus,” of Ben Hur fame in January. However, they only succeeded in ensuring that the law does not include step-child adoption.
Catholic politician Alessandro Pagano declared: “we have been spectators of a strategic fight against the sacredness of life and the value of the family, which proves that there was and that there is a project, which I dare call evil, very wide: ‘the disintegration of what is human’.”
Homosexual activists, with allies in the UN Secretariat, European institutions, and the Organization of American States, have subverted democratic processes to transform their claims into legal rights.
Gay adoption, surrogacy, and step-child adoption remain unattainable in a majority of countries, even those that afford same-sex relations some special protections. Despite the actions taken by elites in Colombia and Italy to bypass their laws, culture and will of the people, expanding the definition of the “family” can be problematic from the standpoint of international law.
The “Family Articles,” a newly launched international pro-family statement joined by hundreds of organizations, reaffirms the definition of the family in international law.
Only the natural family formed by the union of a man and a woman is entitled to legal protection under international law.
The Family Articles warn that if countries opt to sanction homosexual relations they must not confuse these with the family, lest they jeopardize the health and wellbeing of children and undermine, and even violate, their right to know and be cared for by their mother and father.
View online at: https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/two-catholic-countries-bow-homosexual-lobby/
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