UN Event: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: Reducing demand for the sexual exploitation of women and girls
This event seeks to move forward the important discussion about reducing the demand that fosters trafficking in persons by looking at pornography and prostitution through multiple angles.
The Family and the Future of Humanity
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 3pm – 5pm UN Headquarters Conference Room 8 SPONSORING MEMBER STATES Group of Friends of the Family ORGANIZERS Permanent Mission of Belarus to the United Nations…
Celebrating Ability: Investing in and accompanying children and adults with Down syndrome and their families
Empowering children and adults with Down syndrome and walking alongside their mothers and families in support.
Sharing best practices to combat poverty, and protect and empower all women and girls
Ending poverty in all its forms is the first of the Sustainable Development Goals, and achieving this goal is closely related to achieving many other global goals, including those relating to health and education.
Supporting Women and Girls During Unplanned Pregnancies
Join us for a conversation where we will explore what it means to support women during unplanned pregnancies from a pro-life perspective.
The Importance of the Family in the Eradication of Poverty and for Peace and Prosperity
To provide a forum to listen to experts in demography, economics, security, and family policy and their conclusions about family-oriented policies in their respective fields of expertise, and afford Member States an opportunity to exchange of views and best practices.
Trafficking in Persons for Sexual Exploitation: Addressing the Demand
This event will explore ways to reduce and eliminate demand for sex trafficking. It will highlight the latest work of Benjamin Nolot, President and CEO, Exodus Cry, a leading anti-trafficking activist and filmmaker.
Autism and Down syndrome know no borders: mothers, families and professionals laying the foundation for protection and fulfillment
This side event will bring together Down syndrome and Autism advocates and experts to discuss the challenges women and families face raising children with development disabilities.
How Embracing the Geneva Consensus Declaration Advances the Well-being of Families, Women, and Girls
This event will highlight how pro-life policies safeguard the dignity of women and girls and promotes optimal health outcomes by protecting their emotional and physical well-being.
Embracing the Benefits of Digital Technology while Keeping Children Safe
This event will explore the benefits and risks experienced by children who are increasingly online, whether at home or in the classroom, and discuss ways of maximizing their learning opportunities while instituting common-sense safeguards to protect them from harmful content and persons that gain access to children through digital devices.
The Social and Legal Challenges that Fuel Trafficking in Women and Children
This event will bring together policy makers and civil society to discuss the social and legal challenges that fuel the trafficking of women and children with best practices, lessons learned, and recent success stories.
C-Fam Webinar: A “Gender” Panel with Austin Ruse
As the transgender wars heat up, as the forces of truth make advances, join Austin Ruse as he speaks with with Jay Richards of the Heritage Foundation.
The U.S. State Department and International Human Rights
This webinar is a discussion with Robert A. Destro, the head of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the U.S. State Department during the Trump administration.
The History of Pro-life Negotiations at the UN
This webinar is a conversation with genuine but largely unsung pro-life heroes.
Webinar: Dismantling the Pornography Industry and Making the Internet Safe for Children
This event discusses the recent work of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) and other protagonists in the fight against the pornography industry and sex trafficking, highlighting the importance of holding online digital platforms accountable for the crimes they facilitate and the social harms they perpetuate.
Webinar: President Biden’s first year in office: A look back at the assault on life and family
In this webinar policy experts examine the harmful positions being implemented by the Biden administration.
Webinar: People with Down Syndrome are a Gift to the World
Come hear from Down syndrome advocates that work each day to create a more inclusive culture for persons with Down syndrome including providing life-sustaining heart surgeries for babies born with congenital heart defect in developing countries.
Webinar: The International Law Implications in the U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs Case
Please join C-Fam legal experts for a discussion that examines the false notion that an international right to abortion exists.
Webinar: How UN Agencies Promote Abortion and Sexualize Children
In this webinar C-Fam experts will discuss the ongoing threats to children from UN agencies, both before and after birth.
Webinar: Who Can Save Human Rights?
The webinar will be a discussion with human rights expert Gregor Puppinck on the state of the human rights system and what can be done to institute better political controls of human rights mechanisms.
Protection of the Family and Family-Oriented Policies in the Time of COVID-19
The event will bring together Members of the Group of Friends of the Family and other interested delegations for the exchange of views with civil society and academia on the importance of protection of the family and ways of strengthening the family-oriented policies, including in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic
Austin Ruse carefully examines how the anti-Christian forces gained power over every elite institution in America. He exposes their plans for the future and issues an authoritative call to arms, brilliantly arguing that there is no finer time to be a faithful Catholic.
Putting the Family Back at the Center of Development
The event will bring together pro-life and pro-family leaders to discuss the Geneva Consensus Declaration, its legal and policy significance, and assess the debate on the life and family issues at UN headquarters.
Webinar: Surrogacy and Vulnerable Women in Developing Countries
The surrogacy industry is a booming multi-billion-dollar global business. Some are calling for national and international bans on surrogacy. International organizations have only provided ambiguous opinions about surrogacy so far.
The Slippery Slope of Pro-Abortion Policies: The United Nations and Conscience Rights
Jamaica is facing increased pressure to liberalize its abortion laws. Pro-life advocates are urging the Jamaican government to defend its laws protecting unborn lives and the best interest of mothers…