Feminists Want $6 Billion to Advance Their Global Agenda

By | May 12, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. May 13 (C-Fam) A new report is urging philanthropists to invest over $6 billion in feminist organizations by 2026, roughly $1.5 billion a year, as a way to “realize the transformative change donors seek.”  To prove such investment would be effective, the report cites recent liberalization of abortion laws in Argentina, Ireland, and Mexico.

The report characterizes these as “concrete wins” by feminist movements, which it describes as “actively holding the line against the coordinated attack from anti-rights movements that are winding back hard-earned wins, be they in Texas in the United States, Poland, Austria, or Ghana.”

The state of Texas was specifically mentioned in the report because it passed a law banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. The U.S. Supreme Court turned down a challenge to that law and is now considering whether or not abortion is at all a constitutional right. A few days before the report was launched, a draft Supreme Court opinion was leaked, indicating the court’s intention to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion through all stages of pregnancy in the U.S. as a constitutional right.

According to Devex, this news “sent shock waves through the abortion-rights community” and prompted further calls to fund feminist causes around the world, given the U.S.’s widespread global influence.

As an example of the “erosion of rights and progressive policy,” the report mentions the Geneva Consensus Declaration, in which over 30 countries reaffirmed that abortion is not a human right and that the family is the “natural and fundamental group unit of society.”  The joint declaration was led by the U.S. under the Trump administration, until President Joe Biden rescinded U.S. support.  The Geneva Consensus coalition, which the feminist report denounces as “anti-rights forces,” is credited with preventing “further advances in commitments on comprehensive sexual education, sexual rights, and LGBTQI+ rights.”

Apart from abortion, the report makes clear that the billions it calls for would go toward promoting gender ideology.  According to its list of definitions, “[w]omen, girls, and nonbinary people is an inclusive category that refers to cis and transgender women and girls and people who identify as nonbinary.”

To counteract the suffering caused by patriarchy, capitalism, and other causes, the authors write that “feminist leaders and efforts must be resourced with abundance.”

The report’s authors characterize feminist organizations as “significantly underfunded” according to research from AWID, a feminist group, which counts among its own donors the Ford Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, and the Swedish International Development Agency.

The report was published by the Bridgespan Group, which advises donors and nonprofit organizations to promote social change, and Shake the Table, formerly known as Feminist Imaginations, which seeks to direct funding toward “racial, gender, and economic justice.”

The development of the report was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which pledged $2.1 billion over five years for gender equality last year at UN Women’s Gender Equality Forum in Paris.  Despite early attempts to sidestep the abortion issue, the Gates Foundation has a long history of funding groups that promote abortion around the world.

In response to the leaked Supreme Court opinion, Bill Gates Tweeted that the reversal of Roe v. Wade would “set us back 50 years.”  His former wife Melinda similarly denounced “restricting access to reproductive health services.”