Lisa Correnti

Lisa joined C-Fam in 2010 and now works as the organizations Executive Vice President dividing her time in both the Washington DC and New York offices.

Lisa is passionate about helping women and children around the world. Her area of focus is human rights and international development concentrating on the advancement and protection of women and children by promoting policy that recognizes the importance of strong families, optimal healthcare, quality education and economic opportunities. She monitors and advises on bilateral and multilateral policy assuring first-most that the dignity of the human person is always respected.

Lisa served on the United States delegation for the 2017 Commission on the Status of Women as a public delegate.

Prior to joining C-Fam, Lisa worked to promote policy that respects parental authority and protects women from the harm of abortion engaging in political activism at both the state and national level.  Lisa was the regional director for a parental notification bill in California, campaign manager for a pro-life congressional candidate, director of the Catholic Working Group, a Catholic outreach effort at the 2008 GOP convention, California Catholic state co-chair for McCain/Palin and national Catholic coalition leader for Bush/Cheney ’04.

Lisa founded, a Catholic faith and politics blog that encouraged engagement in the public square by educating on the social teachings of the Church.

Lisa is a graduate of Loyola Marymount University. She and her husband Mark have seven adult children and eleven grandchildren. They live on Maryland’s eastern shore.

LGBT Activists Disrupt UN Event on Protection of Children

Homosexual/trans activists disrupted an event on the protection of children in digital environments at the annual UN women’s conference in New York.

Friday Fax

Democrat Lawmakers and Abortion Advocates Pressure Biden to Fund Overseas Abortions

Prior to the Congressional August recess, Democrat lawmakers and abortion advocates joined in an effort to pressure the Biden administration to gut a 50-year-old law that prevents American tax money from funding abortions around the globe.

Friday Fax

U.S. House Tries to Codify Roe v. Wade Again, Bill Heads to the Senate

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) today, legislation that cites the non-binding opinions of UN human rights treaty monitoring bodies that abortion be “accessible” and “affordable” and condemning restrictions and barriers to abortion.

Friday Fax

U.S. Lawmakers Condemn New WHO Abortion Guidelines

In a bi-cameral letter released on the eve of the World Health Assembly, U.S. Congressmen have condemned the World Health Organization’s abortion guidelines as “extreme” and “reckless.”

Friday Fax

Biden State Department Reinstates Abortion in Annual Human Rights Report

On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of State released its annual country report on human rights practices 2021.  The pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights welcomed the 2021 report, saying it demonstrates U.S. “commitment to upholding sexual and reproductive rights as human rights.”

Friday Fax

Biden Significantly Boosts Funding to UN Agency Complicit in Human Rights Abuses

The newly released White House budget for 2023 requests $56 million for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA)and calls for removing stipulations preventing the powerful UN agency from funding programs in China.

Friday Fax

Republicans Block Biden’s Legal Nominee over Abortion Extremism

Senate Republicans unanimously blocked the confirmation of Sarah Cleveland, President Biden’s nominee for Legal Advisor at the Department of State over her position that UN committees trump domestic law over abortion. Cleveland takes the position that abortion is a global human right.

Friday Fax

Senate Democrats Fail to Codify Roe v. Wade

Democrat efforts to enshrine abortion-on-demand into U.S. law failed on Monday. Republican Senators accused Democrats of grandstanding for their base while a humanitarian crisis unfolds in Ukraine.

Friday Fax

U.S. Senate Considers Abortion-On-Demand Bill

For the first time ever, the U.S. will vote on a bill to enshrine abortion-on-demand in federal law. The bill would also declare abortion an international right. Though it is not likely to pass, it is being forced by Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) as a sop to the abortion lobby.

Friday Fax

U.S. House Democrats Adopt Bill to Prosecute Foreign Opponents of LGBT Agenda

“Is a parent who rejects her minor child’s wish for a sex change operation complicit in cruelty?”

Friday Fax