Rebecca Oas, Ph.D.

Rebecca Oas is the Director of Research for the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam) in Washington, D.C.

Before joining C-Fam, Rebecca earned her doctorate in Genetics and Molecular Biology at Emory University.  She has written for Human Life International as a Fellow of HLI America and is has served as a Contributing Editor for HLI.

Among her focus areas are global maternal and child health and family planning, and her articles on these topics have appeared in such publications as the New Atlantis, the Hill, and the Christian Journal of Global Health.

Rebecca is a graduate of Michigan State University and currently lives in Arlington, Virginia.

Analysis: International abortion groups will fail women given the choice

Abortion groups often argue that abortion restrictions, such as the Mexico City Policy, disrupt family planning and other health services.

Friday Fax

Countries Praise Russia’s Pro-Family Policies at Human Rights Forum

During the recent session of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review, no fewer than sixteen countries urged the Russian Federation to continue its promotion of the family.

Friday Fax

UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies Continue to Violate their Mandates

UN human rights experts do not have the authority to press governments to change laws. But they do. And they are getting even more aggressive in doing so.

Friday Fax

U.S. Blitzed with Abortion Questions at Human Rights Committee

UN human rights bureaucrats barraged the U.S. with questions about abortion this week during its periodic review by the UN Human Rights Committee.

Friday Fax

WHO Director-General Says Supporting Abortion is “Siding with Science”

The Director General of the World Health Organization has defended the agency’s abortion guidelines and general pro-abortion stance as “siding with science.”

Friday Fax

World Health Organization Urges Decriminalization of Suicide

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released a policy brief calling for the decriminalization of suicide, arguing that removing legal penalties for suicide attempts will reduce suicide rates due to decreased stigma.

Friday Fax

Gay Protestors Invade, Occupy, Shut Down U.S. House Office

A group of activists were arrested after invading and occupying Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy’s office on Monday.

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“Feminist Foreign Policy” Faces African Criticism

As an increasing number of Western countries have adopted so-called “feminist foreign policy” strategies, two African female strategists published a critique of the paternalism of these countries’ approaches to international aid.

Friday Fax

C-Fam Calls on UN Racism Committee to Avoid Abortion

The expert committee monitoring compliance with the UN’s oldest core human rights treaty on ending racial discrimination has indicated they will use their platform to push countries to promote access to abortion.

Friday Fax

Editorial: “Sexual Rights” Group Seeks to Censor Conservative Voices

Ipas, one of the most aggressive and single-minded pro-abortion organizations operating internationally, issued a call this week warning that “United States-based Christian nationalist groups are spending millions of dollars to influence anti-rights policy around the globe.”

Friday Fax