Briefing Papers and Factsheets

Faith at the UN: Pope Benedict’s Proposal

When Pope Benedict addressed the UN General Assembly in April 2008, he said his presence was “a sign of esteem for the United Nations.” What was the reason for the Pope’s esteem, for his “faith” in the UN? This essay by William DeMars, an expert in the field of humanitarianism, examines Pope Benedict’s message at the UN to find an answer.

Briefing Papers and Factsheets

Six Problems with “Women Deliver:” Why the UN Should Not Change MDG 5

UN agencies and members of the UN Secretariat partnered in a conference promoting, among other things, abortion rights as the only way to achieve Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5, improving maternal health. The conference, called “Women Deliver,” was held in London from 18 – 20 October 2007. The radically new approach is gravely flawed for many reasons. This paper addresses the six primary problems with the controversial approach promoted at the conference, herein termed the “abortion first” approach.

Briefing Papers and Factsheets

Six Problems with the “Yogyakarta Principles”

The six areas of concern with the Principles are not meant to be exhaustive. A second section elaborates on certain erroneous premises found throughout the Principles, and suggests (in brief) how a response to the Principles might be formulated.

Briefing Papers and Factsheets