Six More Problems with Women Deliver: Why Attempts to Redefine Maternal Health as Reproductive Health Threaten the World’s Women
Contributors: Catherine Foster, C-FAM; Donna J. Harrison, M.D, American Academy of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Grace Melton, Heritage Foundation; Amanda Pawloski, C-FAM; Samantha Singson, C-FAM; Wendy Wright, Concerned Women for America
Prominent international abortion and family planning advocates met together in Washington D.C. at the second Women Deliver conference from 7–9 June 2010. The ostensible purpose of this UN-backed conference was to assess achievement of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 to reduce maternal mortality, and to determine how to raise awareness and funding to meet the goal by its deadline in the year 2015. Echoing the first Women Deliver conference in 2007, abortion advocates, who organized the conference, used the issue of maternal health to campaign for broader sexual and reproductive health “rights” under the umbrella of women’s rights. This paper evaluates six major problems with the strategy laid out in Washington. If UN member states adopt the agenda for maternal health proposed at Women Deliver, women all over the world will suffer more for it.
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