Flyers and Infographics

Words Have Consequences

How agreed or contested language in UN resolutions impact laws and social norms within individual member states. 


Access By Any Other Name

How the SDG “need satisfied” indicator serves the interests of family planning advocates rather than women themselves.


Positive Peer Pressure or Bullying?

How wealthy developed countries use the Universal Periodic Review to pressure the global south to accept sexual orientation and gender identity.


“Needs” Without Wants

The new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an opportunity to reassess the “indicators” or benchmarks for reaching the expiring Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and make changes where appropriate. One outgoing indicator—“unmet need” for family planning—was controversial when it was first adopted and has gotten even more controversial in the hands of activists.



Universal Periodic Review: Regional Pressure to Expand Abortion

The Universal Periodic Review is supposed to be a platform where countries can hold each other accountable to their obligations to respect human rights as laid out in the international treaties they have ratified. However, some countries are using it as a way to pressure countries into changing their laws on abortion.


Protecting Life and Family in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

This C-Fam publication explains why validating “various forms of the family” is a bad idea and why the family as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the best vehicle to protect the human rights of children.


The Unfinished Business of MDG5 and the SDGs

Every year mothers lose their lives because resources that could improve maternal health are spent elsewhere.
