WASHINGTON DC, March 25 (C-Fam) The Catholics bishops of the Dominican Republic have reacted strongly to the U.S. push on homosexual issues. A letter released last week condemns the actions of the homosexual activist who is the US Ambassador to their country.
Besides being US Ambassador to the largely Catholic country, James “Wally” Brewster is a Democrat Party funder and a homosexual activist connected to the anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign.
The Bishops’ letter talks about “the deep concern and unrest caused in a considerable part of the society – and also in ourselves – by the conduct of the Ambassador of the United States, James Brewster, since he arrived at our land.”
They charge Brewster with approaching “…our children in public and private schools, in sports events, and other activities of young people and children showing Mr. Bob Satawake as his husband. This has created a deep sense of unease among parents, who have the right to decide how to bring up their children, and who feel this visit as an interference of values which are contrary to the ones they want to instill in their children.”
The Bishops further charge that Brewster has exceeded his authority by meddling in the internal social affairs of the Dominican Republic “violating both the Constitution of the Dominican Republic and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations…”
Brewster has a clear warrant for his behavior because the Obama administration has made the homosexual and transsexual agenda a central part of its foreign policy. In fact, in a recent speech before the anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Powers said that the LGBT agenda has been “weaved into the DNA of American foreign policy.” This has led to homosexual parties being held at US Embassies in Muslim countries, the homosexual rainbow flag flying over American Embassies, and the direct meddling by US Ambassadors into the international affairs of foreign countries. The US even cancelled vital military exercises with an African ally because the government is not gay friendly.
The Bishops are particularly incensed that the US Agency for International Development has offered money to homosexual-friendly candidates for political office. “Offering money to fund candidates willing to advance their agenda is a violation of national sovereignty and of its election laws, and it means blackmailing national politics seriously,” the Bishops say.
The Bishops insist their complaint is not against the person of Brewster of his partner, whom they respect, or against their same-sex attraction. “What we reject is abuse of power in his way of acting, which is contrary to his powers as ambassador, and, as we have said before, he violates domestic laws of the country and international diplomatic laws.”
The letter comes as the homosexual issue heats up at the United Nations. The drum-beat continues that “sexual orientation and gender identity” be placed in UN documents and elevated to a category of non-discrimination in international law, along side such long-standing protects as freedom of religion and speech. So far, the General Assembly has soundly rejected such claims as most countries view dimly the claims made by homosexual advocates.
View online at: https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/catholic-bishops-condemn-us-ambassador-dominican-republic/
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