House Republicans Eliminate Funding for Abortion, Woke Policies and UN in Foreign Policy Bill

Chairman Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) at SFOPs approp mark-up
WASHINGTON, D.C., June 30 (C-Fam) In an unprecedented move House Republicans made sweeping cuts to the annual foreign aid bill to end controversial programs promoted by the Biden Administration and the United Nations. The bill also mandates greater accountability for all development and humanitarian aid.
The FY24 State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriation bill released last week in the House appropriations sub-committee strengthens pro-life protections, refocuses funding for women and girls, promotes faith-based organizations and religious freedom, and eliminates all voluntary funding to the United Nations.
“The ineffectiveness and egregious failures of the United Nations and UN bodies do not merit support based on the goals and priorities of this bill and based on the goals and priorities of the people of the United States,” said Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) chairman of the appropriation subcommittee for State and Foreign Operations.
Balart’s Democrat colleagues were quick to criticize the bill.
“The bill invites the culture wars into our foreign policy by making diversity, drag queens and the critical race theory bogeyman and bogeywoman,” said subcommittee ranking member Barbara Lee (D-CA) announcing her opposition.
Lee complained about cuts to funding for new Biden programs for critical race theory, drag shows, and for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs.
The funding bill cuts over $700 million to UN agencies including to the World Health Organization, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and UN Women. All three agencies promote abortion and controversial gender ideology. The U.S. will continue its obligated funding to the UN which accounts for roughly 22% of the UN budget.
The bill requires increased accountability for the UN and other multilateral organizations, including financial and information disclosures to the Inspector General’s office.
The bill includes all longstanding pro-life protections, including the Helms, Kemp-Kasten, Tiahrt, and Siljander amendments. It also codifies the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy, which under the Trump Administration expanded the Mexico City Policy to all global health funding, over $10 billion annually. Abortion groups migration into HIV/AIDs programs required this expansion.
The bill would require “public posting of reports and foreign assistance data on the Department of State and USAID websites so the American taxpayers can see how the funds are used.” This will help prevent career USAID and State Department employees from shielding controversial programs from political appointees as was done during the Trump Administration.
The bill stops the co-opting of funds for vulnerable women and girls to promote LGBT ideology. Shortly after taking office the Biden Administration began to redirect $200 million for women’s economic advancement programs to woke gender programs through a new Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund (GEE). The Republican bill returns the funding to women’s economic empowerment and defines what programs can be funded to elevate women and girls out of poverty.
The foreign ops bill eliminates funding for 33 special representatives and special envoys within the Biden Administration that were not authorized, or senate confirmed—many working to promote woke policies abroad. Among these are the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Special Envoy for Racial Equity and Justice, and the Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons.
The bill has a top line of $52.5 billion—$16.4 billion below President Biden’s budget request and $7.2 billion below current 2023 funding. It passed out of the subcommittee by a voice vote along party lines with all Republicans in support and all Democrats opposing. It will be discussed in Congressional budget negotiations over the coming months.
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