UN & UN Agencies Archives - Page 3 of 20 - C-Fam

Child Safety Experts Balk at UNICEF Pornography Report

More than 400 child safety experts and advocates from 26 counties condemned the United Nations Children’s Fund’s (UNICEF) for its recent report “Digital Age Assurance Tools and Children’s Rights Online.”

Friday Fax

Biden Administration Silent on Prostitution in UN Debate

The Biden administration appears to be signing off on language supporting the decriminalization of prostitution and illegal drugs in a draft resolution by the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) that will guide UN programming for the next five years.

Friday Fax

UNICEF Takes Down Controversial Report

UNICEF took down a controversial report from its website, and when it reappeared a few days later, it was carefully edited. The report had asserted that children are unaffected by viewing sexually explicit material. 

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UNICEF Report Says Pornography Not Always Harmful to Children

A UN agency is again immersed in controversy for a recent report suggesting there is no conclusive evidence that children exposed to pornography are harmed.

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UN Commission Agrees on Food Security, Not Abortion and LGBT Rights

The UN Commission on Population and Development adopted an agreement on food security earlier today. The agreement does not make any progress for abortion and LGBT rights.

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UNFPA Flagship Report Promotes Individual “Bodily Autonomy”

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) launched its annual flagship report with the theme of “bodily autonomy.”

Friday Fax

UN Agency Drafts Blueprint for Unrestricted Access to Abortion

Last week, the UN’s women’s agency and the government of Mexico co-hosted an online forum to commemorate 25 years since the launch of the Beijing Platform for Action on women’s rights.

Friday Fax

U.S. and EU Delegations Bully and Make False Claims About Smaller States

EU and U.S. diplomats accused their counterparts from pro-family countries of turning against women’s rights and of acting in bad faith at the close of the UN Commission on the Status of Women last week. Media outlets around the world echoed this narrative uncritically.

Friday Fax

Where Do UN Delegations Really Stand on Life and Family?

It isn’t always easy to tell where countries stand on hot button issues like abortion and homosexual marriage at the United Nations. Here is what transpired at the just concluded Commission on the Status of Women, the main actors, and their positions.

Friday Fax

VP Harris Avoids Controversy in UN Speech but Behind the Scenes U.S. Pushes for Abortion

Vice President Kamala Harris steered clear of abortion and LGBT rights in her UN debut, even though the hot-button topics were priorities for U.S diplomats in UN negotiations this week.

Friday Fax

LGBTs Lose Again at UN Commission

It is increasingly rare for UN negotiations on social issues to escape controversies about abortion and homosexuality.

Friday Fax

Countries Ask to Change UN Procedures to Impose Abortion and LGBT

The longstanding way UN negotiations come to agreement is with consensus rather than voting.

Friday Fax

Global Family Planning Coalition Subsumed in Abortion

Melinda Gates’ Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) coalition celebrated  the progress they say they’ve made since its debut in 2012 and announced a new, updated partnership for the next ten years they are calling FP2030.

Friday Fax

Will the international community join in condemning China’s Uighur genocide?

In one of the last acts of the outgoing Trump administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared China guilty of genocide against its Uighur Muslim minority, a stance also endorsed by President Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

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Abortion Activists Hope to Advance Their Agenda at Generation Equality Forum

Organizations that have been campaigning at the UN for a right to abortion for decades are hoping to make progress at the Generation Equality Forum in the first half of 2021.

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New UN Report Builds Rationale for Abortion

A recent publication from the United Nations Population Fund illustrates several troubling trends at the UN

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C-Fam’s Worst 5 Moments of 2020 for Life and Family

Here is where we saw the pro-life and pro-family cause suffer most in 2020, a year that will go down in history as both tragic and memorable.

Friday Fax

The UN Abortion Debate Has Shifted in Our Favor

Twelve years ago, the Bush administration caved in on the phrase “reproductive health.”

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C-Fam’s Top 5 Moments for Life and Family Internationally

This year has been possibly the most momentous year in U.S. pro-life diplomacy, and therefore for the pro-life cause overall. These are the highlights of the year 2020.

Friday Fax

Pro-Life Declaration Officially Lodged with UN General Assembly

The U.S. government has officially filed a pro-life declaration with the UN Secretary General. Joined by 34 other countries, the document enshrines the Trump administration’s pro-life diplomacy on the official record of the General Assembly.

Friday Fax

New Manual: Abortions for Pre-Teens Without Parental Consent

An inter-agency group that includes several UN bodies has been working to create a right to abortion in humanitarian settings.

Friday Fax

UN Agency Wants to Force Controversial Sex-Ed on All Children

With students around the world struggling to continue their education in the midst of the pandemic, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) has published a guidance document to ensure they receive the UN’s controversial sex education, wherever they are.

Friday Fax

EU Commissars to Crack Down on “Homophobia”

The European Commission intends to unleash a barrage of policies to impose LGBT uniformity across the European Union, including through the threat of sanctions.

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U.S. Fails to Capitalize on Growing Pro-Life Support in UN General Assembly

Despite a growing number of countries supporting U.S. pro-life diplomacy, the U.S. fell short of the votes necessary to add new pro-life protections in UN policy this week in the United Nations General Assembly.

Friday Fax

News Analysis: The Challenges of a Pro-Life Administration at the United Nations

Over the past four years the Trump administration has fought abortion at the UN like no previous Republican administration.

Friday Fax