Legal Briefs & Memos
C-Fam Response to Southern Poverty Law Center Regarding Classification as a Hate Group
In response to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), C-Fam and other targeted Christian groups point out that SPLC’s criteria and the application of the criteria is biased against SPLC’s…
Legal Brief
Joint Amicus Brief of Alliance Defense Fund, C-Fam, and Americans United for Life in the Costa Rica In Vitro Fertilization Case
Amicus jointly argued that the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights does not require Costa Rica to allow in-vitro fertilization, and that the Convention protects life from the moment of conception.
Legal Brief
C-Fam Amicus Curiae Brief to the Mexican Supreme Court in the Baja California Case on Abortion
C-Fam successfully argued in this brief that Mexico has no obligation under international law to permit abortion under any circumstance, and that UN treaty monitoring committees that say otherwise act illegitimately.
Legal Brief
C-Fam Amicus Curiae Brief to the Mexican Supreme Court in the Mexico City Case on Abortion
C-Fam successfully argued in this brief that Mexico has no obligation under international law to permit abortion under any circumstance, and that UN treaty monitoring committees that say otherwise act illegitimately.
Legal Brief