Legal Resources
Brief for 54 International and Comparative Law Experts from 27 Countries in the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court Marriage Cases
This brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court by 54 International and Comparative Law Experts from 27 Countries Brief argues that there is simply no emerging global consensus for same-sex marriage, that no international tribunal has ever found a human right to same-sex marriage, and that only one national court has ever judicially imposed same-sex marriage on a nation.
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Comments of the Holy See on the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
Response to the Holy See to the Committee on the Rights of the Child following the review of the first and second report of the Holy See to the committee pursuant to its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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Amicus Curiae Brief of Dr. Paul McHugh in Support of Hollingsworth, in the U.S. Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Cases of 2013
This brief successfully argued that sexual orientation should not be recognized as a new suspect class.
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Legal Resources
Human Rights Treaty Body Reform: New Proposals
The article addresses the neglected question of the proper role treaty bodies.
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