Five Worst Moments at the UN 2022

By | December 29, 2022

NEW YORK, December 30 (C-Fam) Each year, C-Fam lists the five worst moments at the UN in the previous 12 months. It was a pretty bad year. The U.S. under Joe Biden, and the European Union worked in concert on all of these. The unborn child and the family took the brunt of their synchronized firepower.

  1. General Assembly adopts resolution that links human rights to “safe abortion”

This Summer, the General Assembly adopted a UN resolution that ambiguously promotes abortion as a human right, only the second UN resolution ever to do so. The resolution provides cover for UN agencies to promote abortion and further legitimizes claims that abortion is an international right. While many countries, led by brave African delegates, fought the language on abortion, the Biden administration and the European Union were able to outmuscle them. In a rare moment of transparency a high-ranking U.S. official admitted the plan is to impose abortion and homosexual/trans issues through customary international law. Pro-lifers were sad to see Poland and Hungary support this resolution.

  1. Colombia’s Supreme Court declares eugenic abortion a human right

Under the influence of UN bodies, Colombia’s Constitutional Court ruled that abortion-on-demand cannot be criminalized and that abortion of disabled babies and babies conceived after rape can never be criminalized. The court also said abortion was a right for all “gestating persons”, that is, trans identifying persons. Following the lead of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s famous ramblings, the Colombian high court said the decision to abort a child in the womb “constitutes one of the principal expressions of human nature.”

  1. Biden Administration weaponizes State Department to promote gender ideology

The Biden administration published a whole slew of gender policies at the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development this year making homosexual/trans issues even higher priorities in U.S. foreign policy. According to the new gender policy, sex is a designation “assigned” at birth and the “gender binary” is not based in nature but is “a system in which gender is socially constructed into two categories of man or woman.” Gender then means the “full range of gender identity and/or gender expression, sex characteristics, [and] sexual orientation.” The Biden administration is streamlining this approach in all U.S. foreign programs, including through an education strategy that says the terms “mother” and “father” are “offensive”. Democrats want to promote this gender ideology on a massive scale and indoctrinate children all around the world through the Keeping Girls in School Act.

  1. Inter-American Court of Human Rights Legalizes Infanticide

In a decision that will be compared to such rulings as Roe v. Wade and Dredd Scott, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that a woman should not have been convicted of infanticide, even though she had delivered a live full-term baby and abandoned him to die in a latrine. The Inter-American Court told El Salvador to revise its infanticide laws and said El Salvador’s pro-life laws were part of a pattern of systemic gender discrimination. The courts ordered the government of the Central American country to revise all its laws to comply with international “gender” norms.

  1. UN treaty to criminalize critics of gender ideology moves forward in General Assembly

The General Assembly decided to take the next steps on a new UN treaty that would make criticism of homosexuality and trans issues a crime against humanity. The new treaty discards the longstanding definition of gender in international law as “the two sexes, male and female, within the context of society.” The definition has stood in the way of homosexual and transgender activists for over twenty years. Dropping that definition will open the door to the prosecution of anyone who objects to homosexual and transgender ideas. The treaty backed by both the Biden Administration and the European Union will be discussed in two special sessions of the General Assembly’s legal committee in April 2023 and April 2024.