NEW YORK, April 7 (C-Fam) Still reeling from a stinging defeat at the UN Commission on the Status of Women last month, the European Union and the Biden administration have renewed their fight over “comprehensive sexuality education.”
The fight has resumed at the UN Commission on Population and Development that will produce a nonbinding resolution that will, nonetheless, be used to impose the sexual revolution on the developing world.
Traditional delegates in negotiations are concerned that ongoing pressure from the Biden administration and fatigue may result in a bad result for the family, children, and national sovereignty.
Adding this controversial language to the annual resolution of the commission would give Western powers more political leverage to push sex-ed programs that promote homosexuality and transgender ideology among children.
Western governments, led by the European Union and the Biden administration, are insistent that the resolution must include “comprehensive sexuality education” because the theme of this year’s resolution is centered on education. They have asked the United Nations as a whole to endorse “comprehensive sexuality education” for nearly two decades, but without success.
So far, traditional countries have refused to adopt any language that might imply sexual rights for children, or any endorsement for teaching children that homosexual and transgender practices are normal and healthy.
Comprehensive sexuality education programs designed by international agencies and non-governmental organizations are highly controversial. They teach children to explore their sexuality, including in matters like homosexuality, promote the concept of family diversity, as well as promote information about and access to contraception and abortion without parental involvement. They also teach children from a very young age, as early as three in some cases, to question their gender identity, that they might be born in a wrong body, and can eventually change their sex through controversial hormone regimens and surgeries to remove or alter their sexual organs.
Countries who currently sit on the commission and have spoken out against comprehensive sexuality education in the past include Comoros, Ethiopia, Libya, Mauritania, Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, the Russian Federation and Jamaica, among others. It remains to be seen if they are willing to defy the powerful diplomatic machine of the European Union and the U.S. Federal Government again now that the two global powers are aligned in promoting the homosexual/trans issues internationally.
A final document is expected at the end of next week.
The Biden administration is officially committed to promoting comprehensive sexuality education internationally and the European Union is historically one of its strongest proponents.
European countries who are more attached to traditional values, including Poland and Hungary, do not oppose comprehensive sexuality education at the United Nations. They endorse the EU promoting comprehensive sexuality education annually through EU ministerial agreements that guide EU diplomatic and foreign aid activity.
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