WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16 (C-Fam) The rainbow flag was unfurled from the Truman Balcony of the White House last week to mark “LGBTQI+ Pride Month.” President Biden said it was a message to the whole world.
“Today, the People’s House – your house – sends a clear message to the country and to the world. America is a nation of Pride!” the U.S. President’s tweeted from his official twitter account.
The rainbow flag was just one of the many statements and symbolic actions of the federal government to promote homosexual and transgender policies, including for children.
At the White House reception for “Pride Month” during which the flag was unveiled, Biden promised to continue to make homosexual and transgender issues a priority of his administration’s diplomatic efforts.
“(We are) Making human rights for LGBTQ people around the world — not just here, around the world — a top priority for my foreign policy, including a review of our engagement with Uganda following its recent anti-gay law — the most extreme in the world,” he said, referring to a recent Ugandan law that harshly penalizes homosexual conduct and advocacy.
Biden’s Presidential Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month also highlighted the federal government’s actions to promote homosexual and transgender issues abroad.
“We must support LGBTQI+ activists around the globe who are standing up for basic human rights and LGBTQI+ survivors of gender-based violence,” it reads.
The presidential proclamation harshly criticized U.S. States for prohibiting transgender hormone treatment and sex-reassignment surgeries on minors. It states that there have been over 600 “hateful laws targeting the LGBTQI+ community.”
“Transgender youth in over a dozen States have had their medically necessary health care banned,” the proclamation states.
It also accuses pro-family Americans who object to such treatment for children of hate speech and intimidation.
“Homophobic and transphobic vitriol spewed online has spilled over into real life, as armed hate groups intimidate people at Pride marches and drag performances, and threaten doctors’ offices and children’s hospitals that offer care to the LGBTQI+ community,” the proclamation states.
The White House statements were echoed by Biden’s top foreign policy officials.
U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken issues a statement for pride month linking homosexual and transgender advocacy to democracy.
“We strongly oppose the “otherization” of LGBTQI+ persons to justify authoritarian power grabs and attacks on institutions of democracy globally. Democracies are stronger when they celebrate the full rights and value of all persons, without discrimination,” Blinken said.
Samantha Power said it was “an honor” to fly the rainbow flag outside the headquarters of USAID in a statement posted on twitter.
“The flag represents our unwavering commitment to #LGBTQI+ inclusion both in our Agency’s workforce and in our global development efforts. Happy #PrideMonth!” she said in the tweet. USAID released it’s first ever LGBTQI+ development policy in March.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, promised to keep working to promote homosexual and transgender issues in U.S. sponsored UN resolution about democracy during a reception hosted by the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.
“We must all push back against each and every attack on LGBTI people, on all violations of human rights,” she said referring expressly to actions by Putin, Uganda, and the Taliban to curtail homosexual and transgender advocacy.
The U.S. government is promoting the notion that any laws that limit homosexual and transgender claims can be considered a crime against humanity.
View online at: https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/biden-promotes-homosexual-trans-propaganda/
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