Biden to Charge Critics of LGBT as International Criminals

By | December 8, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 9 (C-Fam) In a just-released memorandum, the Biden White House opened the door to charge foreign opponents of transgender ideology with crimes against humanity.

The broadly worded presidential memorandum on sexual violence in war-torn areas deals with sexual violence perpetrated against individuals “of all gender identities” and defines such acts as potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, or acts of genocide. It also authorizes the U.S. State Department to impose sanctions on individuals and entities “responsible for or complicit in, or who have directly or indirectly engaged in” sexual violence.

The memorandum does not define “complicity,” raising the likelihood that it could be used to punish critics of transgender ideology, including religious and political leaders who oppose promoting transgender issues on moral, religious, or other grounds.

International human rights mechanisms have long held, for example, that Catholic teaching on sexuality contributes to violence and discrimination against individuals who identify as homosexual, or trans.

The sanctions provision in the new memorandum is based on Democrat-sponsored legislation designed to go after foreign critics of homosexuality and trans ideology. The Global Respect Act passed the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives last year, but failed to advance in the Senate. The bill’s broad language was drawn from a 2017 Trump policy to more easily impose Congressional sanctions on anyone remotely connected with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The memorandum was one of several policies announced last week in a White House press release where the Biden administration commits to national security policies and programs that promote transgender issues and abortion.

The Biden administration pledged an additional $400,000 in funding to the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict. The office has been at the forefront of efforts to make abortion a humanitarian right, including through recommendations to the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council.

Global security is one of the areas of international policy where advocates for abortion, homosexuality and trans issues are trying to make inroads. This would allow them to gain access to over $ 30 billion humanitarian aid spent annually and to influence the laws of countries that are emerging from war, when they are most dependent on guidance from international mechanisms and benefactors. The latest report of the UN independent expert on violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity focused on war-torn areas and peacekeeping.

The Biden administration also announced that it is re-vamping a foreign aid program called “Safe from the Start.” The Obama-era policy to address “gender-based violence” promotes homosexuality and transgender issues under the same umbrella as violence against women and is also an avenue to promote abortion. State Department insiders told C-Fam that under the Obama administration Democratic operatives worked with international abortion groups on developing gender-based violence programming to get around Congressional and executive restrictions on funding abortions abroad. International agencies like the World Health Organization and the UN Population Fund, also include abortion in gender-based violence programs.