WASHINGTON, D.C. April 22 (C-Fam) The sexual left has never wanted Christian conservatives in the halls of the UN. They have fought to keep us out with varying degrees of intensity.
Their resistance has gone from the childish — when we were accrediting 300 people to a particular conference years ago, the woman checking names, stole our list, and refused to give it back — to the serious — in recent days leading feminists at the UN have accused us of “disrupting meetings.”
In recent days, leading UN feminists have refused to allow pro-lifers to participate in an official UN proceeding attached to a UN negotiation called the Commission on the Status of Women. Powerful feminists have called for C-Fam and other pro-life groups to be kicked out of the UN altogether.
Who are these people?
The woman who has accused us of disrupting meetings is named Houry Geudelekian, the chairman of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, the gatekeeper of non-profit participation in “parallel events.”
In an online meeting related to CSW, there were complaints that pro-life groups were being kept out. Further charges were ideological. Because pro-lifers did not agree to a right to abortion, they were being kept out of the process. Pro-lifers were told they did not hold “values” in sync with the Commission, though they were never told what these “values” were.
Geudelekian replied, “the only few organizations that did not get accepted to [the meeting] were those who were disrupters in the past or during our monthly meetings. We have very clear (sic) in our safety guidelines.” It should be pointed out that it was not only a few blocked groups. Geudelekian blocked every single pro-life group.
To date, Geudelekian has refused to explain what she means by this. She has declined to cite instances of “disruption” and how members have been made “unsafe.”
The reason Geudelekian has not responded is that she is lying. She can cite no instances of C-Fam personnel disrupting meetings at the UN. It is because we don’t. It would not even occur to us. We are professionals who have participated at very high levels at the United Nations for 25 years. We work very closely with professional diplomats up to and including Ambassadors.
She and her feminist allies lie because they view the UN as their own private sandbox.
Geudelekian and her allies are upset because we have won the debate at the UN. For decades, they have tried to make abortion a global right in hard-law. They have failed. Abortion does not appear in even a single hard-law treaty. The abortion stalking horse is the phrase “reproductive health.” Even that phrase has only ever appeared in a single hard-law treaty. This after they have tried assiduously since the Cairo Conference on Population and Development way back in 1994.
Geudelekian and her allies understand that we have stopped them. There is no right to abortion. There is no redefinition of the family to include homosexual couples. There is no expansive definition of gender. In fact, the official definition of gender in hard-law is quite good, thanks to the hard work of pro-life and pro-family groups during the negotiations of the Rome Statutes establishing the International Criminal Court.
All that is left to Geukelekian and her allies are having panels loosely connected to official UN negotiations. C-Fam has hosted a few dozen of these panels over the years. Of course, the feminists have not liked it, but they have recognized our right to be there until now.
Have pro-lifers disrupted UN meetings? No. That is a lie. Have we disrupted the sexual left agenda? Yes, for 30 years, we have, and we will continue to disrupt their agenda. The world is not with them. The world is with us.
View online at: https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/editorial-un-feminists-falsely-accuse-pro-lifers-of-disruption/
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