Austin Ruse

Austin Ruse spent many years in the New York magazine world, working at senior levels at Fortune, Forbes, The Atlantic Monthly, even Rolling Stone.

After a religious and political conversion, Austin left that world and volunteered his time with a Catholic priest in New York City, waiting for the main chance to combine religion and politics in his professional life.

That chance came in the summer of 1997 when he met a Canadian team who had raised money to open a pro-life lobbying group at the UN. C-Fam was born, and Austin was one of the first employees.

Austin quickly rose to the office of president of C-Fam, a position he has held since 2000.

Austin is a writer. He has published four books and more than 1,000 columns and essays, mostly at Crisis Magazine where he is a contributing editor.

Austin has lectured all over the world and given hundreds of interviews on radio, podcast, and television.

Austin’s books include:

Littlest Suffering Souls: Children Whose Short Lives Point us to Christ (Tan Books, 2017)

Fake Science: Exposing the Left’s Skewed Statistics, Fuzzy Facts, and Dodgy Data (Regnery Publishing, 2017)

The Catholic Case for Trump (Regnery Publishing, 2020)

Under Siege: No Finer Time to be a Faithful Catholic (Sophia Institute Press, 2021)

Austin is a Knight in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and is a founding member of the Diplomatic Society of St. Gabriel.

Austin is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, and the Society of Catholic Social Scientists.

Because his ancestor fought in General George Washington’s army, Austin is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution.

In addition to receiving an honorary doctorate from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Austin has received numerous awards including:

  • Legatus John Cardinal O’Connor Pro-Life Hall of Fame,
  • Eagle Forum Leadership Award,
  • Students for Life of American Defender of Life Award,
  • Institute of Psychological Sciences John Paul II Award,
  • Society of Catholic Social Scientists Blessed Frederic Ozanam Award,
  • International Solidarity and Human Rights Institute “Father Paul Marx Award,”
  • SpeakOut Illinois Henry Hyde Leadership Award.

Austin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the University of Missouri, and an honorary doctorate from Franciscan University of Steubenville.

Austin is married to the former Cathleen Cleaver, who was chief counsel to the U.S. House of Representative Sub-Committee on the Constitution. She currently practices estate law, teaches dyslexic children to read, and works on local Virginia politics. Austin and Cathy have two daughters, Lucy and Gigi. They live in the state of Virginia where Austin family first colonized from England in the early 1700’s.

Malign Influence or Free Speech?

The Biden administration has condemned the government of the Republic of Georgia for adopting a law requiring foreign agents to register with the government during the same week that the Biden Justice Department obtained convictions of four Americans accused of being undisclosed foreign agents under similar U.S. laws.

Friday Fax

Billion-Dollar Foundation Targets Pro-Life Groups

A significant step in official silencing of opposing political and scientific speech is applying the label of misinformation. The billion-dollar non-profit, Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), has just launched a project to label certain speech as misinformation, and they have specifically targeted two well-known pro-life groups, Heartbeat International and Live Action.

Friday Fax

Powerful Anti-Christian Group Fires 25% of Staff

Critics and victims of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) may have danced a jig recently when it was announced that the hard-left group had fired 25% of its staff, totaling 60 staff members.

Friday Fax

Exclusive: Soros Group Possesses Thousands of Hacked Pro-Life Emails

This is a special report from the Friday Fax. We have learned today that the George Soros organization is in possession of hacked emails of the Google group Agenda Europe and intends on publishing the contents in a story for a Dutch website this week.

Friday Fax

C-Fam Addresses UN High Level Political Forum

This week, C-Fam’s Director of Legal Studies, Stefano Gennarini, formally addressed the High-Level Political Forum at UN headquarters.

Friday Fax

International Sexual Left Targets Utah Grandmother

The sexual left, led by Bill Gates and George Soros, are spending billions of dollars overseas, especially in Africa to spread their gospel of sexual liberation.

Friday Fax

C-Fam Addresses General Assembly President

This week C-Fam’s legal expert Stefano Gennarini told a General Assembly gathering that the UN must not allow Western countries to block pro-life and pro-family organizations.

Friday Fax

Demographic Midnight Strikes Japan

Policy makers have long known that Japan is in deep demographic distress. More than 20 years ago, Japan completely inverted the demographic pyramid that, for a healthy society, requires a large number of younger people with a diminishing number of oldsters. Japan had become the first country in history to have more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 15.

Friday Fax

Editorial: You Have to Love the Brave Africans

We sometimes find victory in the ashes of defeat. This just concluded UN General Assembly was one of those moments.

Friday Fax

UN Committee Moves to Block Pro-Lifers

The NGO Committee of the UN Commission on the Status of Women has issued participation guidelines which will have the effect of blocking pro-life and pro-family groups from an upcoming UN conference.

Friday Fax

Crisis Magazine

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2018 Crisis Magazine Columns

2017 Crisis Magazine Columns

2016 Crisis Magazine Columns

2015 Crisis Magazine Columns

2014 Crisis Magazine Columns 

2013 Crisis Magazine Columns

2012 Crisis Magazine Columns



You Drank Contraceptives Today and Didn’t Even Know It, 20 Jun 2016

Oregon Man Becomes Country’s First Legal ‘Gender Non-Binary’, 20 Jun 2016

National Teen Condom Give-Away Actually Increased Teen Pregnancy, 16 Jun 2016

Last Priest Prisoner Held at Dachau Dies at 102, 16 Jun 2016

Mayhem: Transsexuals Attack American Defending Woman and Boy at Organization of American States, 15 Jun 2016

Double Standard Favors Gays in Salt Lake City Police Force, 15 Jun 2016

Criticism of Transgender Agenda Will Get Virginia Students Expelled, 10 Jun 2016

Gallup: Support for Planned Parenthood Drops, 10 Jun 2016

Swiss Tunnel Opening Ceremony Draws Cries of ‘Satanic’, 7 Jun 2016

Gay Men Dressing Like Dogs, Creating ‘Pup Play Kink’, 25 May 2016

Salon Thinks Human-Animal Hybrids are an Insane Fantasy, 25 May 2016

Baphomet in New York: Orgies Dominate New Religion, 24 May 2016

Catholic Europe Stopped Islam at Vienna Once Before, 23 May 2016

Vatican Insider: Pope Probably Dislikes America and Americans, 20 May 2016

Think Progress Cites Race Against Donald Trump’s Judges, 20 May 2016

Tran-Speak, Exclusion, no Science: How Obama’s Pro-Transgender Rules Impact K-12 Teenagers, 18 May 2016

New York Law Firm Blocks Payment to American Victims of Iranian Terror, 17 May 2016

Black Activists Condemn Obama’s Transgender Shower Room Claim, 16 May 2016

Obama Would Hold Poor Kids Hostage to Transgender Ideology, 13 May 2016

Obama Administration Imposes Transgenderism Nationwide, 13 May 2016

Watch College Students Say They Can’t See Differences Between the Two Sexes, 11 May 2016

Washington State: Illegal to Ask Transgenders If They’re Transgender, 11 May 2016

Gay Author Decries Transsexual Gender Switching, Calls for Sexual Diversity, 6 May 2016

Lesbian Legend Scoffs at Transgender Men, Gets Fired Gay Group, 2 May 2016

A ‘Flash of Light’: Scientists Believe They’ve Filmed Human Conception, 26 Apr 2016

Gay Writer Tells Breitbart, ‘Gays and Transgenders Need to Divorce’, 26 Apr 2016

Proud Woman Goes Viral Rebuking Transgenders, Liberals: Female Outfits Can’t Make you a Woman, 24 Apr 2016

ESPN Anchor Was Only Suspended for Saying ‘F**k Jesus’, 22 Apr 2016

Court Ruling May Force Schools To Have Only Dual-Sex Bathrooms, 20 Apr 2016

Big Trans Hate Machine Targets Pitching Great Curt Schilling, 20 Apr 2016

Utah Becomes First State to Call Porn a ‘Public Health Crisis’, 19 Apr 2016

Federal Court Orders School to Allow Girl to Use Boys’ Restroom, 19 Apr 2016

Gay Group ‘More Powerful than the NRA,’ Warns North Carolina Governor, 18 Apr 2016

Meet ‘Syphy’, the Stuffed Syphilis Toy That Lobbied Congress This Week, 15 Apr 2016

Catholic Bishops Fire Lefty Editor for His LGBT Support, 15 Apr 2016

UN Official: Denying Abortion Violates International Treaty on Torture, 14 Apr 2016

Pro-Lifers Target Companies That Incinerate Dead Babies, 14 Apr 2016

Porn Site Boycotts N.C. Viewers Because Men Are Not Women, 12 Apr 2016

Top Twelve Alternatives to Giving Business to PayPal, 8 Apr 2016

PayPal To Cancel Expansion N.C., Stays in Countries that Execute Gays, 6 Apr 2016

California Persecutor Kamala Harris Campaigning for U.S. Senate and for Planned Parenthood, 6 Apr 2016

Planned Parenthood: David Daleiden Speaks out on Home Raid, 6 Apr 2016

California AG Searches Apt. of Planned Parenthood Video-maker, 5 Apr 2016

Report: Officials Searching David Daleiden’s Apartment, 5 Apr 2016

Marquette Professor Won’t Apologize and Won’t Go Quietly, 5 Apr 2016

The Truth About Punishing Women for Abortion: It Never Happened and Never Will, 31 Mar 2016

Pro-Leaders Pounce on Trump for Proposal to Punish Women for Abortion, 31 Mar 2016

The Right Stuff: Tom Wolfe Calls Trump ‘Lovable Megalomaniac’, 30 Mar 2016

Jesuit University Moves to Fire Conservative Professor Over His Political Views, 30 Mar 2016

Mother Angelica — Plainspoken Nun, Founder of Global Cable Network, Dies on Easter Sunday, 28 Mar 2016

Georgia Governor Caves to Big Gay Hate Machine, Vetoes Religious Freedom Bill, 28 Mar 2016

Salesian Order Questions Reports of Crucifixion of Priest Muslim Jihadis, 28 Mar 2016

Viennese Cardinal Adds Confusion to Fate of Priest Kidnapped Muslim Radicals, 28 Mar 2016

How the Washington Post Gets the North Carolina Anti-Trans Law Wrong, 27 Mar 2016

North Carolina Governor Says Media is Lying About Transgender Law, 27 Mar 2016

Hollywood Elites Threaten Georgia Citizens over Religious Liberty, 26 Mar 2016

Rob Reiner Says He Won’t Shoot in North Carolina Because of Anti-Trans Law, 26 Mar 2016

NBA Calls for ‘Inclusive Environment’ in Push to Let Males in Ladies’ Room, 26 Mar 2016

North Carolina Passes Anti-Trans Bill, Corporate Bullies Circling, 25 Mar 2016

Facebook Launches Brussels Explosion Safety Check, 22 March 2016

Three Washington DC Students Arrested with Bomb-Making Equipment in Dorm room, 22 Mar 2016

Dominican Catholic College Forbids Entry Gay U.S. Ambassador, 21 Mar 2016

Rumors Denied that Kidnapped Priest Will be Crucified ISIS on Good Friday, 21 Mar 2016

College of Pediatricians Calls Transgender Ideology ‘Child Abuse’ 21 Mar 2016

Americans Happier than Germans, Brits, French, Spanish, Italians, Belgians, Irish, and 144 Other Countries, 17 Mar 2016

Roger Stone: Trump Will ‘Sweep’ Next State Races, ‘Close to Impossible’ for Cruz to Stop Him, 16 Mar 2016

Study: Gen Z Thinks Their Peers Are Completely Insane About the Reality of Girls and Boys, 15 Mar 2016

U.S. House Votes Unanimously: Islamist Slaughter of Christians Is ‘Genocide’, 15 Mar 2016

Fascism Historian: Claiming Donald Trump Is a Fascist Makes Fascism Impossible to Understand, 14 Mar 2016

Obama State Dept. Refuses to Call Slaughter of Mid East Christians ‘Genocide’, 10 Mar 2016

Convicted Sex Offender Forced to Resign as Lead Voice for Transsexual Rights, 10 Mar 2016

Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina, 7 Mar 2016

Pro-LGBT Agenda Billionaire to Lead Marco Rubio Finance Team, 3 Mar 2016

South Dakota Gov. Vetoes Bill to Keep Girls’ and Boys’ Bathrooms Separate, 1 Mar 2016

School Forces ‘Gender Identity’ on 5-Year-Olds, 1 Mar 2016

Trans Pressure Group Tells Reporters ‘Tranny’ Bad, ‘Genderqueer’ Good, 26 Feb 2016

Justice Department Makes Annual ‘Dirty Dozen’ List for Failing to Prosecute Illegal Pornography, 26 Feb 2016

Abortion Clinics Closing at Record Pace, State Republicans Credited, 26 Feb 2016

Young Swedish Liberals Want To Legalise Incest and Necrophilia, 25 Feb 2016

Archdiocese of St. Louis Severing Ties with Girl Scouts, 24 Feb 2016

Thousands Attend Burial Mass for Justice Antonin Scalia, 20 Feb 2016

In the Cold for Hours, Thousands Pay Final Respects to Justice Antonin Scalia, 19 Feb 2016

Trump Vows to Defund Planned Parenthood, Overturn Roe, 18 Feb 2016

Conservative Group to Spend $1 Million Or More on Scalia’s Replacement, 18 Feb 2016

Influential Social Conservatives Publish Broadside Against Donald Trump, 17 Feb 2016

Catholic Bishops Plan ‘Dialogue’ With Islamists, 16 Feb 2016

Hillary Clinton is Wrong about U.S. Abortion Law and She Knows It, 16 Feb 2016

Pro-Life Leaders Mourn Justice Antonin Scalia, 13 Feb 2016

GOP HQ Discards American Culture Questions in Survey of GOP Voters, 11 Feb 2016

Medical Schools Indoctrinating Students into Post-Science Trans Ideology, 11 Feb 2016

Daily Beast: Lady Gaga Delivers Super-Gay Super Bowl Anthem, 9 Feb 2016

New York Times Sold Luxury Tours of Iran While U.S. Journalist Languished in Tehran Prison, 5 Feb 2016

Christie Flips Santorum’s Endorsement of ‘Potential’ Rubio Into An Anti-Rubio Attack-Ad, 4 Feb 2016

Nigerian Ambassador Slams UN for Issuing LGBT Postage Stamp, 4 Feb 2016

Boy Girl Scout Becomes Latest Trans-World Poster-Child, 3 Feb 2016

Top Washington Catholic Blasts Pope for Cozy Photo with Iranian Strongman, 28 Jan 2016

Influential Catholic Group Condemns Donald Trump, 27 Jan 2016

Pro-Lifers Charge Prosecutorial Bias in Indictment of Baby parts Video Maker, 26 Jan 2016

11 Reasons the Sexual Revolution Has Been a Complete, Utter, and Deadly Failure That Have Nothing to do with the Catholic Church, 26 Jan 2016

Texas Grand Jury Indicts Makers of Planned Parenthood Baby parts Videos, 25 Jan 2016

Bullying Mizzou Professor Charged with Assaulting Journalist, 25 Jan 2016

Thanks Jeb and Nikki: Marines Reject Southern Teen because of Confederate Battle Flag Tattoo, 24 Jan 2016

Florin Makes 2016 Campaign Pitch at March for Life, 22 Jan 2016

Rolling Stone’s Disgraced UVA Reporter Faces Scrutiny on Catholic Child Rape Story, 21 Jan 2016

Social Conservatives Alarmed About John Katich’s Surge in New Hampshire, 20 Jan 2016

Progressive Anti-Christian Group Attacks First Amendment Defenders, 19 Jan 2016

Anti-Christian Gay Group Endorses Hillary Clinton for President, 19 Jan 2016

Poll: Even Pro-Choicers Favor Substantial Abortion Restrictions, 19 Jan 2016

Only Lapdog Media Allowed On For Planned Parenthood Press Call, 15 Jan 2016

Fashion Big’s Dildo BaShower, 14 Jan 2016

Identity of Rolling Stone Gang-Rape Claim Still Protected Establishment Media, 13 Jan 2016

Massachusetts Court Hides Sex Offenders, Exactly What Got the Boston Church in Trouble, 7 Jan 2016

Taxi Rape Culture in New York City, 7 Jan 2016

Journalists Consistently Get U.S. Abortion Law Wrong, 6 Jan 2016

Surrogate Mom Refuses to Abort One of the Triplets She Was Hired to Carry, 6 Jan 2016

Advocates: Gay Open ‘Marriages’ Should Redefine Marriage Norms, 5 Jan 2016

Abortion Industry Had a Bad 2015, 5 Jan 2016

Rita Moreno Reportedly Attempted Suicide After Marlon Brando Forced Her to Have an Abortion, 3 Jan 2016

Open Carry Still Places Texas Behind Liberal Maine and Vermont, 2 Jan 2016

2015 Breitbart Columns

2014 Breitbart Columns

2013 Breitbart Columns


First Things:

“U.N. Commission on Status of Women Goes Mad,” March 13, 2013

“More Phony Vatican News,” March 1, 2013

“Not Your Mother’s Operation Rescue,” February 8, 2013

“Creepiest Ad of the Year?,” January 22, 2013

“The Battle for Marriage in Ireland,” January 16, 2013

“Do We Still Love Romney?,” January 4, 2013

“The Catholic Church, a Hate Group?,” January 4, 2013

“The Pope as Tony Soprano?” December 21, 2012

“Charlotte Allen Touches a Nerve on Newtown” December 21, 2012

“Emptying the Mental Institutions,” December 19, 2012

“Robert Bork: From Atheism to Christian Faith,” December 19, 2012

“A Mother’s Heartbreaking Warning About Her Mentally Ill 13-Year-Old Son,” December 16, 2012

“Bobby Jindal Calls for Over-the-Counter Contraceptives,” December 14, 2012

“Conservative Spokeswomen Don’t Wear Lipstick?,” December 14, 2012

“UNFPA Youth Conference Calls for Unfettered Abortion and Plenty of It,” December 13, 2012

“Glenn Beck Goes Wobbly on Marriage,” December 12, 2012

“Prudential Study Shows LGBT Wealth,” December 10, 2012

“Abortion’s Backdoor Maneuver at the U.N.,” December 10, 2012

“Pray for Father Araujo,” December 10, 2012

“India Still Coercing Family Planning,” December 6, 2012

“The Russians Don’t Agree “That’s a Family”,” December 6, 2012

“Dave Brubeck Dead at 91,” December 5, 2012

“Disabilities Treaty Defeated in U.S. Senate,” December 4, 2012

“Tigerman Kills Himself,” November 29, 2012

“Why in the World Would Anyone Oppose the Disabilities Treaty?,” November 28, 2012

“A Human Right to Family Planning?,” November 26, 2012

“Conservative Ressourcement,” November 26, 2012

“E.U. Approves Tonio Borg,” November 25, 2012

“At EU, Faithful Christians Need Not Apply?,” November 19, 2012

“How Planned Parenthood Outwitted Komen for the Cure,” September 20, 2012

“The Myth of the Contraceptive Compromise” April 1, 2009


The Catholic Thing

Gratitude to Those Who Let Me Write ,” July 25, 2014

Is the Rosary Always the Right Political Message?,” July 11, 2014

Priest Ought to Return U.N. Award ,” June 13, 2014

In Praise of Courage” May 30, 2014

The Church and the U.N., Again,” May 2, 2014

Anatomy of a Takedown” March 21, 2014

A Strong Bishop Speaks Out on Porn,” March 7, 2014

I Am Kielbasa,” February 21, 2014

The Lost Boy,” February 7, 2014

Happy People and Their Just Cause,” January 24, 2014

The Day Religious Liberty Died,” January 10, 2014

The Sometimes Warring Schools of Francis,” December 13, 2013

Only Gays Can Get Angry?,” November 29, 2013

Polling the Laity is Always a Bad Idea,” November 15, 2013

Who’s Better on Uranium Mining in Virginia?,” November 1, 2013

Porn and More Lies of the Sexual Radicals,” October 18, 2013

The Lies of the Sexual Radicals,” October 4, 2013

Not All Roads Lead to God,” September 20, 2013

All Gay all the “Times” – and “Post”,” September 9, 2013

Adventures in Stalking the Pope,” August 9, 2013

Letter from Moscow,” July 26, 2013

A Quarter Century of Schism,” July 13, 2013

Lessons from the Littlest Suffering Souls,” July 3, 2013

The Littlest Suffering Souls III: Brendan Kelly of Great Falls,” June 14, 2013

The Littlest Suffering Souls, part 2: Margaret Leo of McLean,” May 31, 2013

The Littlest Suffering Souls: Audrey Stevenson of Paris,” May 17, 2013

Glimpses of Conversion,” May 3, 2013

Bill Kristol is the Standard,” April 19, 2013

Hating the Pope?,” April 5, 2013

Everyone Talks Community,” March 22, 2013

Dare we hope for Burke?,” March 8, 2013

The Prisons of Scientology,” February 22, 2013

Mike Schwartz: Son of Thunder,” February 8, 2013

The Easygoing Lies of Andy Taylor,” January 25, 2013

Music, Demons, and Little Girls,” January 11, 2013

Bad influences from abroad,” December 28, 2012

Helping the Disabled: Fact and Fiction,” December 14, 2012

Ave Maria Born Again,” November 30, 2012

32-0 and Counting,” November 2, 2012

“Is Marriott a Pimp? Are the Christian Brothers?”,  March 5, 2010

“‘Torture’ and the Pro-Life Cause,” February 19, 2010

“The Personhood Movement: Right and Wrong,” February 5, 2010

“Now Kennedy is Really Dead,” January 22, 2010

“A Rare U.N. Victory,” January 8, 2010

“The Acid Reflux of the Questioning Church,” December 11, 2009

“The Delicate Thread of Thanks,” November 27, 2009

“The End of Common Ground,” November 13, 2009

The First Freedom and the First Right,” October 30, 2009

Lies, Damned Lies, and Phony Science,” October 16, 2009

“Maggie Rules,” September 25, 2009

“The World Congress of Families and the Limits of Dialogue,” August 21, 2009

“Weighing Medjugorje,” August 7 2009

“The Yogykarta What?,” June 26, 2009

“The Canonization of George Tiller,” June 12, 2009 (co-author)

“Billionaires Plot Population Strategy,” May 29, 2009

“A Vatican Newspaper Embarrasses Itself,” May 7, 2009

“UNICEF Promotes Abortion in Latin America,” April 24, 2009

“This Totem Too Shall Fall,” April 9, 2009

“The Knights of Malta and the Right to Life,” Mar. 13, 2009

“Dead Girls and Live Boys Reconsidered,” February 27, 2009

“Remember the Charism,” February 13, 2009

“Up from Traditionalism,” January 29, 2009

“Do They Really Pay, Pray, and Obey?,” January 16, 2009

“In Memoriam: Our Friend, Richard John Neuhaus,” January 09, 2009

“How I Became a Caroline Kennedy Democrat,” January 2, 2009

“Are Urophilia and Partialism Human Rights?,” December 19, 2008

“Hillary’s Return and What it Means,” December 4, 2008

“Catholic Bullies and the Unraveling of the Seamless Garment,” November 20, 2008

“Marriage Wins Big, Unborn Lose Big,” November 7, 2008

“The Global Radicals and Barack Obama,” October 24, 2008

“How the Bishops Found their Voice,” October 10, 2008

“The Whole World and the Soul of Robert Bork,” September 24, 2008

“The Democrats’ Religious Test for Federal Office: Faithful Catholics Need Not Apply,” September 12, 2008

“Obama and Democrats Slap Archbishop,” August 22, 2008

“Defeat and Disaster if McCain Picks a Pro-Choice Catholic,” August 14, 2008

“International Law: Also at Stake This Election,” August 01, 2008

“Beware the Catholic Hucksters,” July 18, 2008

“Teddy, We Knew Ye Well,” July 03, 2008

“Saving Europe: More Talledega, Less Sorbonne,” June 20, 2008

“The Real Lessons of the Hagee Case,” June 06, 2008


Other Publications:

Author: Americans Not Concerned With Climate Change, CBS Phily 7/19/2017

“Rules Without Borders,” Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity, (January/February 2010)

“UN Treaty Will Not Create Abortion Rights,” Energy Publisher, (August 9, 2009)

“UN Disabilities Treaty Does Not Create Abortion Rights,” MercatorNet, (Aug. 5, 2009) (co-author)

“The Canonization of George Tiller,” Catholic News Agency, (June 12, 2009)

“Billionaires Meet in New York, Plot Population Strategy,” The Bulletin (Jun. 02, 2009)

“This is No Time to Go Wobbly,” The Weekly Standard (Apr. 27, 2009)

“Earth to Bonnie Erbe: Potential Abortion Increase in Bad Economy a Tragedy, Not Celebration,” (Apr. 16, 2009) (co-author)

“The Myth of the Contraceptive Compromise,” First Things (Apr. 1, 2009)“Randall Terry is Not the Spokesman for Catholic Orthodoxy,” Catholic News Agency (March 30, 2009)

“Obama Administration Expected to Expand U.S. Relationship with UN and UN Treaties,” (Nov. 7, 2008)“Radical Social Policy at the United Nations,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (2007)

“BBC Accuses Church of Worldwide Condom Misinformation Campaign,” Junto Society (Oct. 2006)

“A Catholic Mystery Writer,” Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity (July/August 2006)

“The Short, Heroic Life of Thomas Doerflinger,” National Catholic Register (Dec. 10, 2005) (co-author)

“New Research May Point to Moral Procedure for Obtaining Stem Cells,” Meridian Magazine (2005)

“Holy Democrats! The Catholic Presidential Questionnaire is Dead – Thank God,” National Review Online (Sept. 15, 2004)

“Bush Orders State Department to Stop Funding Foreign Abortion Groups,” Junto Society
(Sept. 4, 2003)

“Barney Frank Threatens ‘Gay Sanctions,’” (Aug. 8, 2003)

“The Population Dud,” Catholic World Report (May 2002)

“I’d Rather There be Muslims in My Foxhole,” World Family Policy Forum Address (2002)

“The Bomb That Went, Pssst,” Human Life Review (Winter 2002)

“Boxer Reveals her Anti-Catholic Bias in Committee Hearings,” Insight on the News (Sept. 10, 2001)

“Summit of the Gods,” Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity (Nov. 2000)

“Foster Now Has Bully Pulpit to Export Abortion, Thanks to Clinton,” Insight on the News
(Aug. 14, 2000)

“Senate, House Give Support to the Holy See at the United Nations,” Insight on the News
(Mar. 27, 2000)

“Vatican Under Attack at the U.N.,” Insight on the News (Feb. 21, 2000)

“UN Pro-Life Lobbying: Full Contact Sport,” Human Life Review (Winter 2000)

“UN Pro-Life Lobbying,” The Human Life Review (Winter 1999)

“Risen from the Ashes,” The Catholic Liturgical Library (Summer 1998)