Editorial: You Have to Love the Brave Africans

By | December 22, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 23 (C-Fam) We sometimes find victory in the ashes of defeat. This just concluded UN General Assembly was one of those moments.

Exactly six years ago, the UN General assembly established an “independent expert for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights.”  We knew then that this LGBT Czar would be no end of mischief and trouble and sexual ideology pushed on the developing world. It was obvious then and his work since that time has proven us correct.

His mandate was only to look at violence against homosexuals, but you could tell from the start, he was going to do exactly what he wanted to do, and not what he was given to do by the General Assembly.

Vitit Muntarbhorn began his tenure in 2016 by taunting the General Assembly, promising to go beyond his mandate, even promoting homosexual marriage. His agenda was summed up with five points; decriminalizing sodomy, criminalizing talk therapy for those with unwanted homosexual desires, requiring governments to recognize gender identity in legal documents, impose social acceptance of homosexuality, and indoctrinating children through propaganda at all levels.

His first report six months later was full of falsehoods about international law. He said, “Due respect for sexual orientation and gender identity” is entrenched in “an array” of UN human rights instruments. This was untrue then and it remains untrue today. Not a single binding provision of international law even mentions sexual orientation and gender identity. And he knew it.

Way back in 2017, he said social media companies should be required to takedown posts that are negative towards homosexuals or trans, calling these “hate speech.” It very well could have been that Twitter was listening. It was roughly at that time that “misgendering” and “deadnaming” were rules that could get someone bounced permanently.

This agenda was adopted and expanded by his successor Victor Madrigal-Borloz, who took a page from the anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center and proposed developing a hate list of individuals or groups that oppose the homosexual/trans agenda. Presumably this would include Pope Francis since he has been outspoken in his opposition to “gender ideology” and such ideological colonialism.

In 2019, he called on governments to take action against religions that don’t embrace homosexual/trans rights. He told the General Assembly, “States should adopt decisive action, when religious authorities, leaders, or agents infringe on the rights of LGBT persons through violence and discrimination, including hate speech.”

In July 2021, he was at it again when he said changing one’s sex or gender based on self-identification was an “entitlement” under international human rights law. This is utterly false.

This past September, he attacked the US Supreme Court when it overturned Roe v. Wade. He said it was a “devastating action against the human rights of lesbian and bisexual women, as well as trans men and other gender diverse persons with gestational faculties.”

So, what in the world could be the good news as we close out this momentous 2022? There was a vote in the UN General Assembly over these issues and there was a revolt. The Africans stood up and said no, hell no, to the homosexual/trans issues promoted by the LGBT Czar, the United States under Joe Biden, and the European Union, including sadly, Hungary and Poland.

As we reported in the Friday Fax last week, “Traditional countries blocked references to sexual orientation and gender identity, diversity, and comprehensive sexuality education. Additionally, these governments delivered dozens of statements against the left’s sexual agenda. All told, more than 60 countries objected to what they see as dangerous and even radical language.”

The UN likes to tell the world that these issues are arrived at “by consensus,” that is, that everyone has agreed. This has always been a phony claim. There is no consensus on these issues. The actions of brave Africans a few weeks ago demonstrates this abundantly.