Five Best Moments of the Year 2018 for Life and Family at the UN

NEW YORK, December 28 (C-Fam) There have many important moments in 2018 for the pro-life cause internationally, maybe even epochal shifts. Only history can tell.
1. Justice Anthony Kennedy Leaves the U.S. Supreme Court
Because of the unique influence of the U.S. Supreme Court everywhere in the world, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s resignation and replacement is the single most important development for the pro-life cause internationally. Roe v. Wadeis an example of pro-abortion judicial activism that has inspired activist judges and bureaucrats all around the world for decades. For three decades Kennedy upheld that precedent, thwarting the rule of law and causing the death of millions of unborn babies. Kennedy’s rambling jurisprudence has been cited in courts all around the world to challenge abortion laws and to impose homosexual marriage. Brett Kavanaugh can only be an improvement.
2. Despite Internal Resistance, Trump Begins International Pro-life Policy
Though the pro-life cause is still not a U.S. foreign policy priority for the Trump administration in the same way that Obama made abortion a priority of U.S. diplomacy, overall, the Trump administration has done more for the pro-life cause than any Republican administration ever. Battling internal resistance from leakers, the administration has contested “sexual and reproductive health” in international negotiations. They have been successful in the G7 most notably. They have removed “reproductive rights” from the U.S. human rights report. They have contested the term in the World Health Organization, and in UN negotiations all the way into the UN General Assembly. Despite the recent defeat in the General Assembly, these are positive developments to build on.
3. Argentina’s Congress Rejects Abortion
Argentina’s Senate shocked the world when it voted down a legislative proposal to make abortion legal in the country. After the Irish referendum handed the pro-life cause its biggest democratic defeat ever, there seemed little hope for the pro-life cause. The influence of the Argentina vote on neighboring Brazil, and throughout Latin America—a region which overall preserves strong protections for the unborn—is already being felt.
4. Africans Reject Abortion in International Aid
If the pro-life cause is ever to succeed, Africa is going to be a key player, and these political developments are moving in the right direction. Africans often find themselves in a Catch-22 of either accepting international aid agencies that promote abortion and population control or rejecting much-needed foreign assistance. Increasingly, they are willing to say no to international aid groups. And there were signs this year that African politicians are more and more willing to challenge the international abortion and population control cabal, and that it could be a winning political issue across Africa. Abortion giant Marie Stopes was banned in Kenya, and its deceptions are increasingly publicized. And Tanzania’s President even challenged USAID’s “voluntary” population control propaganda in that country.
5. U.S. Congress Enacts Law to End Big Tech Impunity for Human Trafficking
C-Fam was proud to partner with organizations from across the United States in supporting legislation to end impunity for internet companies like Google and Facebook when they profit from advertising for human trafficking on their platforms. The bill which forces big tech to police itself passed the house despite a vicious challenge from the big tech lobby. C-Fam was proud to support the efforts that ultimately forced big tech to support the legislation until its eventual adoption. The law has already shut down websites that profit from child trafficking.
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