UN Commission Considers AI Crackdown on Homosexual/Trans Critics

NEW YORK, February 24 (C-Fam) The first artificial intelligence programs have only just begun to emerge, but progressive countries already have plans to use the new technology to silence conservatives and anyone who objects to abortion and homosexual/trans demands.
Progressive Western governments are pushing for global censorship through artificial intelligence to fight “technology-facilitated sexual and gender-based violence”, a new term that can be used to re-cast opposition to abortion and homosexual/trans rights as a form of online violence and quash it.
Technology facilitated gender-based violence includes “harassment, information manipulation, disinformation and cybercrime, online misogyny, and hate speech” according to proposals made this week by the European Union, the United States, Canada, and other progressive countries in negotiations of the annual agreement of UN Commission on the Status of Women.
European Union proposals call for a “paradigm-shift” in technology that “contributes to transforming social norms”, including by programing algorithms “to adopt a human-rights based, human-centric and gender-responsive approach to digitalization, with the feminist principles of inclusion, intersectionality and systemic change at its core.”
The measures are needed to overcome “gender-bias” in data and technology, according to the European Union. They recommend “the adoption of algorithmic equitable actions to correct real life biases and barriers” including through “improved content moderation and curation.”
The Biden administration did not object to these calls for restricting free speech despite recent criticism that federal agencies carried out massive censorship campaigns through private media platforms, including social media giants Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
The U.S. proposal in the negotiations called for such content moderation and curation to continue to be carried out by the “private sector” on the behest of governments, attempting to sidestep criticism that government-sanctioned censorship, even if carried out by a private intermediary, violates the free speech clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Negotiations over the Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women began this week with progressive Western countries making a ploy to shut down debate on any and all language related to “sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.” They have been adamant in recent negotiations that such language is set in stone and cannot be removed from UN policy.
Other topics that are expected to be negotiated include the right to privacy online for children. The draft agreement controversially proposed adopting a “human rights based approach” and recommended following “human rights standards.” Recent pronouncements on the right to privacy from the UN system are highly controversial.
According to a UN human right expert on privacy, the right to privacy for children includes the right to “safely and privately explore their sexuality as they mature, whether offline or online,” the right to “trans health-care” and “legal gender recognition,” as well as the right to engage in “consensual peer sexual activity, including sexting information and services.” As a result, UN agencies say that children’s right to privacy includes access to pornography.
The Agreed Conclusions are expected to feed into the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards and best practices that the General Assembly is set to adopt for all technology platforms through the “Global Digital Compact,” a new international agreement on technology regulation, including artificial technology, expected to be adopted in September 2024 at what has been dubbed the “Summit of the Future.”
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