Human Rights and Intl Law Archives - C-Fam
Letter Circulates Asking Trump to Oppose a UN Treaty that Promotes Pedophilia
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 10 (C-Fam) A letter is circulating among conservative leaders in Washington DC asking President Trump and the U.S. Congress to oppose a controversial new UN treaty that…
Friday Fax
Controversial WHO Negotiations Spill into Public View
The secret negotiations of a new WHO pandemic treaty spilled over into an open procedural debate last month, exposing wide disagreements about the scope of the pandemic treaty, how it should be implemented, and how it will be financed.
Friday Fax
Criminalize “Gender Apartheid” says American Bar Association
UN human rights experts recently called for “gender apartheid” to be considered a crime against humanity. The American Bar Association adopted a similar resolution, pledging to support international and national efforts to criminalize and oppose “gender apartheid.”
Friday Fax
Countries Praise Russia’s Pro-Family Policies at Human Rights Forum
During the recent session of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review, no fewer than sixteen countries urged the Russian Federation to continue its promotion of the family.
Friday Fax
UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies Continue to Violate their Mandates
UN human rights experts do not have the authority to press governments to change laws. But they do. And they are getting even more aggressive in doing so.
Friday Fax
U.S. Blitzed with Abortion Questions at Human Rights Committee
UN human rights bureaucrats barraged the U.S. with questions about abortion this week during its periodic review by the UN Human Rights Committee.
Friday Fax
“Feminist Foreign Policy” Faces African Criticism
As an increasing number of Western countries have adopted so-called “feminist foreign policy” strategies, two African female strategists published a critique of the paternalism of these countries’ approaches to international aid.
Friday Fax
C-Fam Calls on UN Racism Committee to Avoid Abortion
The expert committee monitoring compliance with the UN’s oldest core human rights treaty on ending racial discrimination has indicated they will use their platform to push countries to promote access to abortion.
Friday Fax
Abortion Organizations Co-Opt Disability Rights to Promote Their Agenda
Progressive governments and their allies pushed for legal and accessible abortion for persons with disabilities in the name of human rights last week.
Friday Fax
Activist Groups Summon UN Experts to Criticize U.S. Abortion Restrictions
UN human rights experts are criticizing the U.S., claiming that state-level abortion restrictions are putting women and girls at risk and violating the American obligations under human rights treaties.
Friday Fax
UN Committee May Say It’s Racist Not to Allow Abortion
Not long after going after the U.S. for overturning the right to abortion, the UN’s human rights committee on the elimination of racial discrimination is preparing to unleash pro-abortion pressure on the rest of the world.
Friday Fax
Biden Pushes Homosexual Marriage as a Binding Human Right
The Biden administration is pressing countries to adopt homosexual marriage as a human right. This new development comes during the latest cycles of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review.
Friday Fax
U.S. Pressures Benin to Withdraw from Pro-Life Document
The Biden Administration has pressured the small country of Benin to remove its name from the Geneva Consensus Declaration, a Trump-era document explaining that abortion is not an international right.
Friday Fax
Senate Democrats Want Taxpayer Abortions for Diplomats
Senate Democrats have called upon the State Department and USAID to guarantee abortion services for foreign service officers stationed overseas.
Friday Fax
What the UN Treaty Bodies Did this Year
After a year of having their meetings limited by the pandemic, the UN’s human rights treaty monitoring bodies resumed their work reviewing countries’ human rights records in 2022. These UN bodies were quite aggressive in promoting abortion, homosexuality, and transgenderism.
Friday Fax
Philippines and Others Pressured to Accept Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage at UN Human Rights Review
A small but vocal group of nations pressured fourteen of their fellow countries on controversial social issues as the fourth cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) began in Geneva over the last two weeks.
Friday Fax
Organization of American States Adopts Divisive Resolution in Lima, Peru
Leaders of the Organization of American States seemed to oppose their own people this week when they codified abortion and gender ideology as human rights.
Friday Fax
UN Committee Says America is Racist
The UN expert committee on eliminating racial discrimination criticized the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Dobbs decision and urged the U.S. to expand access to abortion, especially for women belonging to racial minorities.
Friday Fax
Hungary Warned in Advance About Pro-Abortion UN Resolution
The Friday Fax reported last week that the government of Hungary co-sponsored a UN General Assembly resolution that placed providing “access to safe abortion” as necessary to fulfill human rights.
Friday Fax
OPINION: Nigeria Lives Proudly Today; Poland and Hungary Live in Shame
Western conservatives like to tout the heroic nature of Poland and especially Hungary under Victor Orban for standing up the European Union on things like immigration.
Friday Fax
Western NGOs Target East Africa
An obscure intergovernmental body in Africa is debating a controversial health bill that would impose a right to abortion on seven east African countries where abortion is mostly restricted—Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Friday Fax
UN Human Rights Chief Bashes U.S. on Abortion
Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, criticized the U.S. for the expectation that the Supreme Court will overturn the federal abortion regime. At the same time, Bachelet praised Latin American countries that have recently liberalized their abortion laws.
Friday Fax
Racist Population Control Polices Impede Access to Optimal Health
The UN’s special expert on the right to health, who has generated controversy for her prior work as an abortionist and her advocacy of prostitution, has announced that her next annual report will focus on the effect of racism on health worldwide.
Friday Fax
UN Actors Angry About Supreme Court Abortion Decision
The U.S. Supreme Court is on the verge of overturning the 50-year-old abortion regime in the United States, and some at the UN are not happy including the Secretary General.
Friday Fax
UN Delegates Consider Resolution to Punish Conservatives and Christians
UN delegations that promote the homosexual/trans agenda privately circulated a resolution that would punish conservative and Christian critics of the homosexual/trans ideology.
Friday Fax