UN & UN Agencies Archives - Page 4 of 20 - C-Fam
BREAKING: Trump Administration Calls Out Secretary General on Abortion
John Barsa, the Acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, sent the UN Secretary General scolding UN experts for promoting abortion and urging him to “undertake a course-correction for the greater good of the UN.”
Friday Fax
Countries Use COVID-19 to Promote LGBT Agenda with U.S. Support
Thirty governments, including the Trump administration, called on countries to make the specific health needs of homosexual men, transgender individuals, and others who identify as LGBT a priority in government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday Fax
China Escalates War of Words at the UN, Tells U.S. to “Pull Back from the Brink”
The war of words between the United States and Communist China continues apace.
Friday Fax
Abortion Still Unpopular After 25 Years of UN Lobbying
Countries complained about setbacks to abortion rights twenty-five years after a landmark UN conference on women that first cemented abortion in UN policy.
Friday Fax
COVID Lethargy Stalks UN General Assembly
For the first time since the United Nations was founded in 1945, the world’s leaders did not come to New York for the kickoff of the new General Assembly session.
Friday Fax
Evidence of Systemic and Unlawful Abortion Promotion by UN Agencies, the Secretariat, and other UN Entities
In 1994, at the International Conference on Population and Development, UN member states agreed that abortion was an issue to be addressed exclusively in national politics and legislation, and therefore…
Briefing Papers and Factsheets
Trump Administration Moves to Close Abortion Funding Loopholes Overseas
The Trump administration is taking additional steps to ensure foreign organizations that perform or promote abortion as a method of family planning do not receive U.S. taxpayer funding.
Friday Fax
U.S. Cited Pro-Life Concerns in Vote Against COVID-19 Resolution
Citing concerns about abortion, the Trump administration voted against a UN resolution on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Friday Fax
UN Secretary General Tells Feminists He Won’t Let Trump Undermine Abortion Rights
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres says he wants to “make sure that governments to do not take advantage of COVID-19 to undermine sexual and reproductive rights and to put into question the services that are provided.”
Friday Fax
Cash-Strapped Treaty Bodies Expand Pro-Abortion Lobbying Amid Calls for Reform
Last week, the chairmen of the committees monitoring compliance with the UN’s human rights treaties issued a warning that their work is threatened by underfunding.
Friday Fax
U.S. Lawmakers Renew Interest in Defunding UN Bodies Over Abortion
Funding for foreign aid cannot be used to lobby for or against abortion, according to U.S. law.
Friday Fax
Human Rights Council Approves Abortionist as Special Expert on Right to Health
The UN Human Rights Council in Geneva recently approved the appointment of South African doctor Tlaleng Mofokeng as Special Rapporteur on the right to health.
Friday Fax
U.S. Submits Notice of Withdrawal from WHO
The Trump administration submitted its formal notice of withdrawal from the World Health Organization (WHO) this week, to take effect in one year.
Friday Fax
UNFPA’s Abortion Doublespeak
The UN Population Fund denounced sex-selective abortion this week, in contrast to its advocacy for abortion in general.
Friday Fax
How will newly elected members of the UN Security Council impact abortion debate?
Last week, the nations of the world voted in five new members for the UN Security Council, starting their two-year terms at the beginning of next year.
Friday Fax
U.S. Fails to Stop Pro-Abortion Mandate for the UN Population Fund
The Executive Board of the UN Population Fund approved a change to the agency’s strategy that will allow the agency to promote abortion as a humanitarian right.
Friday Fax
U.S. Blocks UN Agreement Over Pro-Life Concerns, UN Member States Ignore
The U.S. Mission to the United Nations has rejected a draft agreement on humanitarian assistance for emergencies, including the COVID-19 pandemic, that would have given cover for UN agencies to promote abortion. But it will not be enough to stop the agreement.
Friday Fax
UN Expert Group: “Sexual and Reproductive Health Services” Includes “Safe, Legal Abortion”
A UN human rights group criticized several U.S. states for declaring abortion a nonessential service during the COVID-19 shutdown this week, declaring “safe, legal abortion” a key component of “sexual and reproductive health services.”
Friday Fax
State Department Keeps Funding WHO Regional Office that Violates U.S. Law
Last week, the U.S. State Department decided to continue funding the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), while defunding its parent organization, the World Health Organization (WHO).
Friday Fax
How Feminists Are Keeping Abortion on the UN Agenda During COVID-19 Shutdown
Two competing draft resolutions emerged at the UN this week on the impact of COVID-19 on women. One of the main disputes in negotiations is over national prerogatives on abortion.
Friday Fax
The WHO Abortion Agenda: Another Reason to Defund It
President Donald Trump announced last week that he was stopping $400-$500 million in funding to the World Health Organization (WHO) over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, including WHO’s parroting misleading talking points from the Chinese government.
Friday Fax
Children’s Charities Urge EU to include Sexual and Reproductive Health in COVID-19 Response
As European development ministers met this week to hammer out a $17 billion COVID-19 aid package, primarily for Africa, six of the world’s top children’s charities sent a letter urging that sexual and reproductive health and rights for children be “prioritized” as “life-saving.”
Friday Fax
UNFPA Inserts Abortion in to the Fine Print of the Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) recently inserted abortion into its analysis of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, despite the objections of many UN member countries.
Friday Fax
UN Bureaucrats Undercut U.S. State Pro-life Laws
In their latest attempt to get around the U.S. democratic process, abortion groups asked an international human rights panel to protect their interests against U.S. pro-life laws and policies.
Friday Fax
Empty Halls, No Abortion Language, Frustrates Feminists at UN Women’s Conference
There was hardly any applause as speakers delivered remarks at the scaled down Commission on the Status of Women on Monday. The disappointment was palpable in the General Assembly Hall.
Friday Fax