UN & UN Agencies Archives - Page 5 of 20 - C-Fam

UN Expert: World Religions Should Defer to the Authority of UN Experts

According to the UN’s special expert on freedom of religion, the fringe views of UN human rights bodies must take precedence over the mainstream beliefs of many leading world religions, when it comes to law and policy.

Friday Fax

UN Cancels Women’s Conference Over Coronavirus Fears

Countries rejected a recommendation by the UN Secretary to hold a “scaled down” UN Commission on the Status of Women this year due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. With some fearing a modified conference would lead to unequal participation between countries and regions, they decided to postpone it indefinitely instead.

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Abortion Activists Push Colombia into a Constitutional Crisis

Activists for abortion-on-demand in Colombia pushed the Latin American nation into a constitutional crisis with the help of UN agencies and experts, as the country’s Constitutional Court is expected to rule on a new abortion case.

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Pro-Abortion “Independent” UN Committee Lobbies General Assembly for More Power

A UN committee known for aggressively promoting abortion rights is lobbying the General Assembly to establish a UN system-wide mechanism that would expand its power and influence.

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5 Best Moments of 2019 for Life and Family

NEW YORK, December 27 (C-Fam) 1. President Trump stands up for the rights of unborn children at the UN General Assembly. The high point in the international campaign to protect…

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5 Worst Moments of 2019 for Life and Family

NEW YORK, December 27 (C-Fam) Even as the U.S. and a coalition of other sovereign nations promoted a strong pro-life agenda at the United Nations in 2019, UN staff and…

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World’s Top Sex Ed Promoter Promises Radical Social Change

A U.S.-based organization with a long history of promoting controversial curricula for children recently rebranded itself, declaring its mission to promote radical social change through sex education.

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General Assembly Inches Toward Redefining Gender as Social Construct

Nations clashed over a proposed UN treaty on crimes against humanity at UN headquarters last week. If adopted, the new treaty would change the definition of gender in international law to include more than 100 genders.

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Once More Trump Keeps Abortion Out at UN Security Council

For the second year in a row, the U.S. kept abortion-related language out of a UN Security Council resolution on women in crisis and conflict.

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Pro-Life U.S. Diplomat Resigns After Deep State Attacks

The State Department’s top official for UN affairs will retire next month after five decades of public service, beginning as a combat-decorated Marine, and including U.S. ambassador to the UN in Geneva.

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EXCLUSIVE: UN Agency Blocks Pro-Lifers from Conference

The pro-abortion UN Population Fund (UNFPA) does not want pro-life critics in attendance when the agency convenes a conference in Nairobi in mid-November.

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Crazy Treaty Bodies at Heart of Abortion LGBT Battles at UN

The General Assembly isn’t yet scheduled to take up treaty body reform until next year.

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Court Rules Northern Ireland’s Abortion Restrictions Violate Human Rights Law

A high court judgment in Belfast last week ruled that Northern Ireland’s abortion restrictions are a violation of human rights commitments, further increasing the pressure on the territory, which is part of the U.K., to remove its legal protections for the unborn.

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EXCLUSIVE: New UN Treaty May Put Gender Ideology in International Law

In a new treaty, the General Assembly may scrap the definition of gender as “male and female” currently in international law and endorse a definition of gender as “socially constructed.” The new definition would open the door to 100+ “genders” in binding law.

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Nairobi Summit May Claim Abortion as a Humanitarian Right

Nations may pledge to fund abortion in crisis and “fragile” situations at an upcoming UN population conference in Nairobi. This means introducing abortion precisely in those situations where it could most likely endanger women’s health.

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UN LGBT Czar Takes Aim Against Religions

A UN expert charged with promoting LGBT rights around the world called on governments to take action against religions that don’t embrace LGBT rights.

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UN Envoy Supports Buying and Selling of Children

A UN representative charged with combatting the buying and selling of children has come out for the buying and selling of children in commercial surrogacy.

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UN Population Agency Intends to Avoid Negotiations on Abortion

The UN population agency is asking governments to endorse 17 political commitments related to “sexual and reproductive health and rights” without a UN negotiation. The request raises fears that the agency wants to supplant limits set by the UN General Assembly on UN programs for controversial issues like abortion and sex education.

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G7 Rejects Abortion Language in Final Communique

G7 leaders of the world’s largest economies rejected the recommendation of an advisory panel that abortion language be included among the group’s final communiques.

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U.S. Sends Official Pro-Life Message to Foreign Governments

The U.S. Government has reached out to foreign capitals to request support for U.S. pro-life efforts at the United Nations. Such a high-level pro-life effort by a U.S. administration is unprecedented.

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UN Human Rights Experts Continue to Lobby for Abortion

According to a UN expert, countries must decriminalize abortion as part of their efforts to eliminate violence against women in obstetric settings, and, “at the very minimum,” legalize it in certain exceptional cases.

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New UN Ambassador’s Challenges Executing Trump Pro-life Foreign Policy

The U.S. Senate confirmed their top diplomat at the United Nations last week, Kelly Knight Craft. She now faces several major challenges if she is to succeed in executing President Trump’s international pro-life agenda.

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Sexual Left Organizes Against Pro-Life Nominee to the UN

Rarely if ever has a nominee for federal office answered the abortion question as clearly, succinctly, and even bravely as Andrew Bremberg did last month before the Senator Foreign Relations Committee.

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UN Women to Replace “Women” with “Gender”

The UN agency for women announced last week it is no longer focused on women’s rights but rather “equality of all genders,” including LGBTIQ+.

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Abortion Funding Robust in Global Development Goals

The UN sustainable development goals were billed as the last best hope of the UN system when they were adopted in 2015.

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