Problems with USAID’s 2024 Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Policy
USAID’s 2024-2034 Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Policy ostensibly outlines a strategy to promote democracy and human rights globally. Ironically, it promises to undermine democracy through programs that promote social engineering, censorship, and interference in internal politics.
Policy Papers
Can Opposition to Homosexual/Transgender Issues and Abortion be Considered a Crime Against Humanity?
In this month’s Definitions, Stefano Gennarini, J.D. sounds the alarm about how, if this new definition is adopted, advocating for traditional morality, including the definition of marriage, could be construed as a form of “gender-based persecution” and a crime against humanity.
Countries Praise Russia’s Pro-Family Policies at Human Rights Forum
During the recent session of the UN’s Universal Periodic Review, no fewer than sixteen countries urged the Russian Federation to continue its promotion of the family.
Friday Fax
C-Fam response to call for public comment on USAID’s new “Disability Policy”
KEY TERMS (page 3) The term “intersectionality,” which was absent in the 1997 policy, has been introduced in the draft. This term is problematic because it brings unnecessary ambiguity and…
Testimony & Statements
C-Fam Written Statement at the 62nd session of the Commission on Social Development
Commission for Social Development Sixty-First Session 5-14 February 2024 Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development and the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly: Priority Theme: “Fostering social development…
Statement and Submissions
Why Abortion is Not the Solution to Maternal Mortality
This paper explores the ways in which the medical and scientific fields have been weaponized against unborn human life and how ideology masquerades as “facts” and “evidence” to promote this deadly agenda.
C-Fam Written Submission to CERD on Draft General Recommendation N°37 on Radical Discrimination in the Enjoyment of the Right to Health
Submitted to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on August 4, 2023 INTRODUCTION Below are seven observations of C-Fam on the contents of paragraphs 12 and 22 of…
Statement and Submissions
The Family in International Law and Policy
Since the founding of the United Nations, international law and policy have recognized a preeminent place for marriage and the family as the “natural and fundamental unit of society.” This Definitions paper will evaluate the ongoing campaign by Western countries to redefine the family internationally and to make homosexual relations equivalent to marriage between a man and a woman. The paper will show how the definition of the family in international law is perfectly adequate and does not need modification.
The Development Deep State: Sexual Progressivism in USAID
Since the Obama Administration began in 2008, the United States has witnessed a sharp increase in left-wing domestic and international social policy and strategy. In recent years, the U.S. government, aligned with United Nations agencies, has pressured developing and conservative nations to liberalize their abortion laws and adopt pro-LGBTQ policies and programming. However, a look at the history of U.S. foreign policy reveals that its promotion of these controversial agendas is not new.
Five Problems with the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty
The Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Accord, commonly known as the “WHO Pandemic Treaty,” not only extends greater power to the World Health Organization (WHO) to reallocate pandemic resources from member states and targets “misinformation” opposed to its own narrative, but also carries consequences for families and the unborn.
Policy Papers