Uniting Nations for a Family Friendly World

On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 10 AM – 1 PM


In celebration of the International Day of Families, the Group of Friends of the Family, jointly with civil society, is pleased to host a high-level event on the theme of the family and its irreplaceable role as society’s most important institution.

The family is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as “the natural and fundamental group unit of society” and “entitled to protection by society and the State.” All efforts to achieve sustainable development must necessarily emphasize the role of the family because of its essential function as primary educator, economic driver, and social safety net.

The successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will depend on policies that promote the family, as recognized in the UDHR, especially if it is to ensure that no one is left behind. This special high-level event will explore the crucial importance of ensuring that the family remains stable and vital for the flourishing of each person and the ultimate wellbeing of society.

24 member states of the Group of Friends of the Family; Permanent Missions of Bangladesh, Belarus, Comoros, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Yemen, and Zimbabwe. Co-sponsoring organizations: Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam), Family Watch International, and The Foreign Service Fellowship.

uniting-families-for-a-family-friendly-world-highlightsSUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS:
 Family Research Council, Human Life International, HazteOir.org, CitizenGo, and Derecho a Vivir.




Statement of the Group of Friends of the Family
Valentin Rybakov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

Statements of Support for the Family by Religious Leaders
Imam Shamsi Ali, Jamaica Muslim Center, Queens, New York
Bishop John O’Hara, Episcopal Vicar, Southern Manhattan and Staten Island
Pastor Jim Garlow, Senior Pastor, Skyline Church, San Diego

Joint Statement of Civil Society in Support for Group of Friends of the Family

A Declaration on the Rights of Children and Their Families: A Call From the Children of the World



Sherif Girgis
Ph.D. Candidate
Marriage and the Nuclear Family, 

Susan Yoshihara Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Research, Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam)
The Family in International and Human Rights Law

Helen Alvare, J.D.
Professor at George Mason University School of Law
Women, Family, Work

David Crawford, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Moral Theology and Family Law at The Catholic University of America
Recognizing the Roots of Society in the Family, Foundation of Justice

Interactive Discussion with Member States of the Group of Friends of the Family and Civil Society

