Biden Returns U.S. Diplomacy to Pro-Abortion Fray

By | February 26, 2021

NEW YORK, February 26 (C-Fam) The Biden administration returned U.S. diplomacy to the pro-abortion fray at UN headquarters this week. The change came in the early rounds of what will be a long and contentious UN negotiation over abortion, LGBT policies, and sovereignty.

According to diplomats who spoke with the Friday Fax, the Biden administration expressed support for the controversial phrase “sexual and reproductive health and rights” in UN negotiations this week.

U.S. diplomats followed the lead of the European Union, who proposed the references of the controversial phrase in the first round of negotiations for the draft agreement of the UN Commission on the Status of Women which will take place next month.

The phrase “sexual and reproductive health and rights” is more than just a euphemism for abortion. It has never been agreed or defined in UN policy because it includes “sexual rights,” a notion that socially conservative countries find offensive. Sexual rights were rejected by UN diplomats as long ago as the Beijing Women’s Conference in 1995. Over the years, UN agencies promote LGBT rights, abortion access, and sexual autonomy for children under this rubric.

Delegates told the Friday Fax that the U.S. remained quiet on abortion in written submissions due last week. But just days after the Senate confirmed Linda Thomas-Greenfield as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, U.S. diplomats endorsed the sexual rights agenda of the European Union.

The U.S. position changed drastically from only a few weeks ago under the Trump administration at the General Assembly. Under the Trump administration the U.S. government opposed the phrase “sexual and reproductive health and rights.” U.S. diplomats consistently opposed abortion in UN policy and tempered U.S. diplomacy to advance the LGBT agenda only to ask for decriminalization of homosexual conduct. Because of this, feminist and LGBT groups and their allies among progressive UN member states accused Trump of setting back UN policy 20 years and of “rolling back” women’s rights.

The sudden change in U.S. position was expected.

President Biden’s January 28 memorandum on women’s health portended Biden’s support for the new controversial term at the United Nations. The memorandum states that, “It is the policy of my Administration to support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States, as well as globally.” The memorandum also directs the U.S. State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development to promote these notions.

The Commission on the Status of Women is normally a rambunctious annual event on the UN calendar. Thousands of feminists from around the globe converge in New York for a fortnight of debates, parties, and ceremonies.  It is the largest annual UN gathering by far, with over 7,000 participants. As feminists revel on the margins of the official events each year, UN Member States debate controversial social policies like abortion and LGBT rights, alongside other less controversial ones.

Last year’s session was paired down to a bare-bones minimum because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The commission only met for half a day. This year, most of the work of the commission will be carried out virtually in the second and third week of March.

Feminists will not be allowed to enter the UN premises because of COVID-19 protocols. Except for the contentious debate among delegates the commission is expected to remain a quiet affair unlike other years.