Human Rights and Intl Law Archives - Page 2 of 12 - C-Fam
EDITORIAL: UN Feminists Falsely Accuse Pro-Lifers of Disruption
The sexual left has never wanted Christian conservatives in the halls of the UN. They have fought to keep us out with varying degrees of intensity.
Friday Fax
Biden State Department Reinstates Abortion in Annual Human Rights Report
On Tuesday, the U.S. Department of State released its annual country report on human rights practices 2021. The pro-abortion Center for Reproductive Rights welcomed the 2021 report, saying it demonstrates U.S. “commitment to upholding sexual and reproductive rights as human rights.”
Friday Fax
UN Experts Exceed their Mandates on Same-Sex Relations
The expert committee that monitors compliance with the UN’s treaty on women’s rights has told Sri Lanka the country must decriminalize same-sex sexual conduct between women. Homosexual advocates say the communication is a “landmark decision.”
Friday Fax
Biden LGBT Envoy Befuddled Before House Committee
U.S. LGBT Special Envoy Jessica Stern told the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee that while her office of “Special Envoy” for homosexual/trans issues at the U.S. State Department is important she could not cite a single achievement since she took office last June.
Friday Fax
BREAKING: U.S. Congressmen Complain to UN About Blocking Pro-life Groups
Twenty-five U.S. Congressmen have joined 400 international groups, and almost 9,000 individuals complaining to the UN that pro-life groups are being blocked from participating in a UN process connected to a major negotiation.
Friday Fax
Republicans Block Biden’s Legal Nominee over Abortion Extremism
Senate Republicans unanimously blocked the confirmation of Sarah Cleveland, President Biden’s nominee for Legal Advisor at the Department of State over her position that UN committees trump domestic law over abortion. Cleveland takes the position that abortion is a global human right.
Friday Fax
U.S. House Democrats Adopt Bill to Prosecute Foreign Opponents of LGBT Agenda
“Is a parent who rejects her minor child’s wish for a sex change operation complicit in cruelty?”
Friday Fax
C-Fam Investigation Reveals Lack of Agreement and Nefarious Connections in UN Human Rights Mechanism
UN human rights bodies increasingly pressure countries to accept redefinitions of gender and the family, and to liberalize abortion laws. One mechanism, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), reveals how little agreement exists for this agenda. This is occurring despite concerted efforts by wealthy Western countries to steer the process according to their priorities.
Friday Fax
Biden Admin Says “Mother” and “Father” are Offensive
New U.S. guidelines for overseas educational programs suggest that the terms “mother” and “father” are “offensive.”
Friday Fax
UN Human Rights Body Gives Pass to Iceland’s Targeting of Disabled Children
It was Iceland’s turn to have its human rights record reviewed by other UN member states on Tuesday. The Nordic country, which has faced scrutiny for its extremely high rate of selective abortion of children with Down syndrome, was urged to combat this discrimination, and to increase support for all persons with disabilities.
Friday Fax
Biden Nominates Pro-Abortion Lawyer to State Department Legal Post
President Biden has nominated Sarah Cleveland as chief legal advisor to the Department of State. Cleveland is best known for promoting abortion as an international human right while serving on the UN Human Rights Committee.
Friday Fax
Biden Democracy Summit Attacks Whites and Catholics
A U.S. official said this week that she wants to see an end to the “white” agenda. LGBT activist Jessica Stern said this at the Summit for Democracy convened this week by the U.S. government. Stern did not explain what’s involved in the “white agenda.”
Friday Fax
UN Report: Criminalize Criticism of Gender Theory
A new report just transmitted by the Secretary General to the UN General Assembly calls for criminal penalties against anyone who criticizes gender theory, sexual orientation, gender identity, and even sex-ed.
Friday Fax
European Parliament: denial of abortion should be criminalized
The European Parliament has voted in favor of “gender-based violence” being treated as a crime in the EU, alongside terrorism and human trafficking. Among the behaviors it seeks to criminalize is “the denial of safe and legal abortion care.”
Friday Fax
European Group Attacked for Criticizing Dark Money Influence on UN Human Rights
Over the summer the European Center for Law and Justice issued a report charging that the UN human rights agenda was driven by leftwing foundations.
Friday Fax
LGBT Activists Pressure Donors to End Therapy for Same-Sex Attraction in Foreign Assistance
International LGBT activists are targeting NGOs and countries, including the U.S., insisting they forbid so-called “conversion therapy” in international development.
Friday Fax
Leftist Billionaires Pay UN Experts to Promote Their Political Agenda
Billionaires and private foundations pay millions of dollars a year into the UN human rights system to turn progressive political goals into human rights obligations.
Friday Fax
Activists Seeking Universal Ban on “Conversion Therapy” Frustrated by Fundamental Rights Enshrined in Law
For those seeking help for unwanted same-sex attraction, free speech and religious liberty laws are an obstacle to proposed bans on so-called “conversion therapy.”
Friday Fax
EU Commission Will Sue Poland and Hungary at the EU Court over LGBT Issues
The European Commission wants to punish Poland and Hungary because of their alleged anti-LGBT laws and policies, but it does not want to use the political channels established by EU treaty law.
Friday Fax
UN LGBT Czar Says Changing Gender is an “Entitlement” Under International Law
A human rights expert charged with promoting LGBT issues through the United Nations said that changing one’s sex or gender based on self-identification is an “entitlement” under international human rights law.
Friday Fax
Letter Revealed Announcing U.S. Withdrawal from Pro-Life Declaration
The Biden administration sent a letter to UN ambassadors announcing U.S. withdrawal from an historic pro-life declaration initiated by the Trump administration and co-sponsored by countries representing regions all over the world.
Friday Fax
Biden Administration Repudiates Unalienable Human Rights, Elevates Sexual Rights Instead
U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made two recent moves that will raise alarms among pro-lifers and other conservatives.
Friday Fax
UN Committee Calls for Internet Channels for Child Sexting
Out of more than 7 billion people on the planet, it is likely that no more than a few thousand have ever heard of General Comment No. 25 just issued by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Friday Fax
U.S. and EU Delegations Bully and Make False Claims About Smaller States
EU and U.S. diplomats accused their counterparts from pro-family countries of turning against women’s rights and of acting in bad faith at the close of the UN Commission on the Status of Women last week. Media outlets around the world echoed this narrative uncritically.
Friday Fax
Experts Condemn Gestational Surrogacy as Harmful to Children, Exploitative to Women
The state of New York quietly adopted a measure to make commercial surrogacy legal, raising objections by women’s rights and anti-trafficking groups.
Friday Fax